Saturday, August 31, 2019
Impact of Globalisation on International Business Essay
Tesfay Kumenit, Faculty of Law, University of Gondar, Ethiopia, 2008 The term globalization did not become popular until the 20th century. Then onwards, it has become a typical issue understood to affect the whole socio-economic and political life of states throughout the world. Besides, the discourse on globalization is complex with far-reaching effects on national and international laws and policies pertaining to the social, economic and political matters. It is commonsense knowledge that issues related to globalization are open to debates, as various people have varying perceptions about it. At one extreme, we have those who see globalization as an irresistible and benign force for delivering economic prosperity in economically underdeveloped areas. On other extreme, we have those who blame it as a source of all contemporary ills. Those people taking the latter line of argument emphasis on the negative impacts of globalization from various dimensions. Specially, they make frequent reference to the difficulties faced by small enterprises in underdeveloped areas in taking advantage of the benefits of globalization. As the result, the rural and informal economies remain on the margin, which in turn leads to persistent poverty. Besides, the industrial restructuring in force of competitive markets is highly probable to insecure jobs and dramatically affects the working conditions and rights of workers in some countries. In most developing countries, globalization has undermined traditional livelihoods, changed the traditional social security systems and increased rural-urban and intra-regional inequalities. Moreover, some multi-national investment have been exacerbating environmental degradation and generated pressures for cheaper and more flexible labor in order to retain competitiveness which in effect could erode the values of democracy and social justice. In relation to this, the accountability of these institutions engaged in business is debatable. In reality, some people feel that transnational bodies are unaccountable which usually disregard the local perspectives of cultural, linguistic, and other diversities. The other extreme argument is on the positive impact of globalization. To this effect, it is widely accepted that the key characterstics of globalization have been the liberalization of international trade, the expansion of FDI, and the emergence of massive cross-border financial flows. This resulted in increased competition in global markets. It is also widely acknowledged that this has become about through the combined effect of different understanding factors mainly policy decisions, to reduce national barriers to international economic transactions and the impact of new technology. Due to the effect of the latter, the natural barriers of time and space have been vastly reduced. At present, the cost of moving information, people, goods and capitals across the glop has fallen dramatically which in turn vastly expanded the feasibility of economic transactions across the world. As to this, people believe that markets can be global in scope and encompass an expanding range of goods and services. With the intention to benefit international communities on equal footing, various institutions were created. Among others, UN, ILO, WTO, GATT and IMF are the most influential ones. These institutions set certain preconditions that states shall fulfill to get membership. Beyond that, a number of laws are issued to liberalize international business transactions. By this, it is sought that regional cooperation in trade and finance could increase stability. As it is mentioned above, globalization can have both direct and indirect impact on states. It would also inevitably affect the laws of international business transactions either negatively or positively. As to the former, the challenges against globalization may dictate the revision of these laws in a manner which may equally benefit the poor and the rich. The question that must be capitalized is whether these laws are in positions to treat the north and the south as there is unbridgeable gap between them. If states are to be benefited from the globalization, most argue that there must be fair laws which consider the local realities in developing countries. Hence, some argue that the present laws to this end do not take the realities at ground in to account specially in third world countries. the fact that the market is highly competitive, the poor would be pushed out of game and this would even increased income disparities with in the industrial countries . he multi-national institutions which have small capital in industrial countries, may transfer to the countries with lower cost. These institutions would easily make profits in the expense of the poor. Then power would be shifted from local institutions to trans-national ones. Many agree that globalization by itself is not a problem. But, laws which are designed to regulate the global transactions shall consider the existing realities the failure of which may rise various impediments against globalization. Institutions like IMF, The World Bank, The WTO, The ILO, and other specialized agencies as well as business, trade unions and other NGOs are in a lead to guide the process to this effect. To be beneficiaries of these institutions, sates have to revise their domestic laws in conformity with the guiding principles and regulations of the above institutions. In the due course, they are expected to enhance social infrastructures and respect human rights. The other face of this achievement would enable poor countries to get assistance and donations from these powerful donor institutions. As a result, limitations on free trade would be minimized and this in turn may lead to the flow of foreign direct investment which directly or indirectly add to efforts of poverty eradication and promote sustainable development. These measures would make states to think of common laws regulating business transactions. By this, there would be free trade with no or little barriers across the borders. But this does not mean that multinational corporations are free to exploit resources for the sole purpose of profit maximization. Rather, they have to have social responsibility as well. In fact, it is debatable as to what responsibilities these institutions assumed to have. The debate in this regard largely revolve around the conduct of multi-national corporations and other large private companies which ,due to their sizes, have the ability to significantly influence domestic and international policy and the communities in which they operate. Central to the debate is the perceived deficiency of national and international law remedies regarding corporate accountability, particularly the ability of available regulations to successfully regulate a corporateââ¬â¢s conduct in jurisdictions outside their home state. Moreover, most people agree that the efficient functioning of the global markets depend on socially responsible business conduct. To this end, organizations, such as UN, the International Labor Organization (ILO) have developed compacts, declarations, guidelines, principles and other instruments that outline norms for acceptable corporate conducts. To sum up, though there are the divided idea as to how all states benefit from globalization, at present, most agree that issues in relation to human rights, environmental maters etc are the common concerns of nternational communities which have to be respected and promoted by the joint efforts in every corner of the world. Moreover, since international business transactions directly or indirectly related to these common concerns, it is believed to be a common concern as well. There fore, laws of international business transactions have to be in a position to respect and promote principles and guide lines provided to regulate other global concerns. From this, it is easy to understand, how much the laws of international business directly or indirectly are under the influence of globalization.
Give Me Liberty: Chapter 17 Outline Essay
Populists or peopleââ¬â¢s party members were part of this eraââ¬â¢s greatest political insurgency. It evolved from the Farmersââ¬â¢ Alliance, where farmers across forty-three states banded together to remedy their condition. The peopleââ¬â¢s party not only attracted farmers but also included all the ââ¬Å"producing classes.â⬠Their lasting legacy comes from the populist platform of 1892 and also from the fact that populism came close to replacing the two already existing parties. Explain how a system of racial segregation was established in the South: Since populism failed in the south, it was open to the induction of a new racial order. As much of Reconstruction was undone as possible by the Redeemers, so called because they believed they saved the region from alleged misgovernment and impending ââ¬Å"black rule.â⬠New laws were created that jailed anyone without a job, and the punishment for petty crimes was increased tenfold. Of course, the black population suffered the greatest after this. Then, convict laboring became popular which basically put blacks right back into slavery. Blacks continued to be denied high paying jobs, but a black middle class began to arise in the urban communities consisting of people with professions such as teachers and professors. Blacks in politics declined also, though not abruptly. They eventually lost their right to vote. In Plessy v. Ferguson it was made legal to segregate public places. Lynching also rose in popular ity again. Describe what ways the boundaries of American freedom grew narrower in this period: At the end of the 19th century, the thought process of Americans changed quite a bit, towards the idea that freedom should not be offered equally, only to the right and supposed deserving people. An Ohio newspaper stated that the influx of immigrants was overrunning cities, and that they ââ¬Å"have no appreciation of the true meaning of liberty.â⬠Most of the immigrants in this period came from Italy, Russia, Austro-Hungarian empires, and other countries in Southern and eastern Europe. Immigrants were looked down upon as horrible excuses for people who are inclined to steal and commit crime from birth. People started to look for a way to limit the rights of these people, and also prevent more from entering. In Boston, the immigration restriction league was formed and proposed that literacy would be required to enter the country. This was adopted by many states. Blacks also continued to see less and less rights in the South, as well as disenfranchisement. Suffrage was becoming more of a privilege in America, instead of a right. Explain how the United States emerged as an imperial power in the 1890ââ¬â¢s: America started out slow as government officials and business owners decided the land and resources they had werenââ¬â¢t enough. At first, proposals to annex other countries were vetoed and over-sea focus remained mostly on trade. Then, a group of late nineteenth century thinkers proposed an idea of updated manifest destiny, and that the most beneficial thing to do for the world was to impose the Anglo-Saxon traditions on uncivilized societies and turn them into consumers of American goods. This was outlined in the book Our Country by Josiah Strong. Alfred T. Mahan took advantage of the time at which western expansion ended, as all land was finally claimed by a state. He published a book that urged American expansion to move outward because we could no longer capitalize on our own land. This book influenced James Blaine, secretary of state during the presidency of Harrison. Harrison requested the construction of four new battleships, while Blaine encouraged the president to push for Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Cuba to be set up as naval bases. The depression further exacerbated these ideas and plunged the country into a period of aggressive nationalism, where newspapers containing sentiments of nationalism views sold like hotcakes. Vocabulary: The Farmerââ¬â¢s Alliance ââ¬â Farmerââ¬â¢s in the early 1890ââ¬â¢s felt disenfranchised, so they banded together to aid each other. Spread across 43 states. The Populist Party ââ¬â Evolved from the farmerââ¬â¢s alliance, except it included all working classes. Their platform still remains a classic American document. They sought to redefine the idea of freedom in the contemporary government. It attracted many followers, including a large number of women who wanted suffrage, and a small number of blacks. Populist Platform ââ¬â Consisted of six main items: 1. Direct election of U.S. Senators 2. Government control of currency 3. A graduated income tax 4. Low cost public financing for farmers 5. Legalize unionizing 6. Public ownership of railroads William J. Bryan ââ¬âSecond candidate chosen by populists for president. He was supported by democrats as well and ran as democrat even. He condemned the gold standard, and advocated free silver and unrestricted minting of silver money. He hoped it would help relieve farmer debts. He was also devoutly religious. Coxeyââ¬â¢s Army ââ¬â A band of several hundred unemployed men led by Ohio businessman Jacob Coxey demanding economic relief. They marched to D.C. where they were forced to disperse by soldiers. Pullman Strike ââ¬â Workers in a company owned town called Pullman called a strike due to low wages. The idea spread and the boycott called by the American Railway Union crippled national rail service, government injunctions were imposed to force laborers to work. Eugene V. Debs ââ¬â Charismatic leader of the rail-workerââ¬â¢s union and the Pullman strike, was jailed for contempt of court. On his release, 100,000 people greeted him, and he called them lovers of liberty. He said that state and national government was going to take from the weak their birthright of freedom. Free Silver ââ¬â Unrestricted minting of silver money, Supported by Bryan because he hoped to circulate more money to aid farmers. Election of 1896 ââ¬â Won by William McKinley, the republican candidate. Bryan who represented the democrats lost by about 6 million votes. Bryan is noted to have driven many republicans to McKinley because of Bryanââ¬â¢s call for inflation and speeches against corporate arrogance. Northeast and Midwest industrial states voted republican, while less populous states voted for Bryan which is why he lost. William McKinley ââ¬â Former Ohio governor and republican, won the election of 1896. His campaign manager Hanna created a political machine that flooded the states with pamphlets and other propaganda. The Redeemers ââ¬â Claimed to have redeemed the southern region of misgovernment and black rule. They were able to impose their racial order due to the failure of populism in the south. When they gained power they quickly undid as much as they were able of Reconstruction. New laws incarcerated people for the simplest of crimes, and then convicts were bought and sold and used as a cheap form of labor, much like slavery. The Kansas Exodus ââ¬â 50,000 blacks migrated to Kansas in the belief they would find political equality, freedom from violence, access to education and economic opportunity. Pap singleton handed out flyers portraying Kansas as a utopia. However, most blacks didnââ¬â¢t have the capital to farm so they ended up getting stuck there with low paying jobs. Decline of Black Politics and voting ââ¬â Black people gave up their interest in politics after reconstruction, and they sought more fulfilling careers in business, law, or the church. This turned out to be their worst mistake because then their voting was taken away in the south as soon as it was possible. Poll taxes and other voter restrictions were enacted that were aimed at blacks but still lawful. Jim Crow Laws ââ¬â State and local laws mandating de jure racial segregation in Southern states. Examples: Created the poll taxes, literacy tests, and the grandfather clause. Blacks were denied access to many public and municipal facilities such as parks, theaters, housing, and mass transit. Various economic sanctions were placed on blacks in order to maintain their status. Plessy V. Ferguson ââ¬â Upheld the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of ââ¬Å"separate but equal.â⬠Lynching ââ¬â The murder of a person, usually black, and then hanging them on a tree to ridicule them. Authorities seldom involved themselves in the conflicts even though they knew about them. Chinese Exclusion Act ââ¬â The first major legal restriction on immigration to the U.S.; prohibited further unskilled Chinese immigration in order to reduce competition for jobs. Booker T. Washington ââ¬â Former slave who promoted economic independence and a slow transition for blacks into free society; founded the Tuskegee Institute. American Federation of Labor ââ¬â Alliance of skilled workers in craft unions; focus was bread-and butter issues such as higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions. It was led by Samuel Gompers. Alfred Mahan ââ¬â Author who argued in 1890 that the economic future of the United States rested on new overseas markets protected by a larger navy; wrote ââ¬Å"The Influence of Sea Power Upon History.â⬠Josiah Strong ââ¬â Author of Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, in which he urged Anglo-Saxons to ââ¬Å"civilize and Christianizeâ⬠the American West. Annexation of Hawaii ââ¬â American sugar plantation owners began the annexation by overthrowing the countryââ¬â¢s queen successfully, which was followed by American military action. McKinley requested a joint resolution of annexation because it was popular amongst Americans although not among Hawaiians. Spanish ââ¬â American War ââ¬â Caused by suspicions of the Maine, support of Cuban independence, economic depression, and Yellow Press Journalism. The effect it had on America was that it pushed it into imperialism, after the war was won by the U.S., they received three new territories. Teller Amendment ââ¬â Promised that America would not annex Cuba after winning the war. Yellow Journalism ââ¬â Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers. Open Door Policy ââ¬â Allowed free flow of trade with Asia, while still barring Asians to enter the country. The Philippine War ââ¬â Began after Filipinos incorrectly thought that they would self govern after independence from Spain. McKinley decided he still wanted the islands though, so they revolted and lost. ââ¬Å"White Manââ¬â¢s Burdenâ⬠ââ¬â Poem by Rudyard Kipling outlining the contemporary thoughts of the government, which is it is our duty to civilize the lesser races. Anti ââ¬â Imperialist League ââ¬â Argued that an empire and democracy cannot coexist.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Nonfunctional Requirements
Functional requirements define the needs in terms of performance, logical database requirements, design constraints, standards compliance, reliability, availability, security, maintainability, and portability. EXAMPLE 1 Performance RequirementsPerformance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality.The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer than two seconds.The log in information shall be verified within five seconds.Queries shall return results within five seconds.Example 2Logical Database RequirementsThe logical database requirements include the retention of the following data elements. This list is not a complete list and is designed as a starting point for developmentBooking/Reservation SystemCustomer first nameCustomer last nameCustomer addressCustomer phone numberNumber of occupantsAssigned roomDefault room rateRate descriptionGuaranteed room (yes/no)Credit card numberConfirmation numberAutomatic cancellation dateExpected check-in date. Expected check-in timeActual check-in dateActual check-in timeExpected check-out dateExpected check-out timeActual check-out dateActual check-out timeCustomer feedbackPayment received (yes/no)Payment typeTotal BillFood ServicesMealMeal typeMeal itemMeal orderMeal payment (Bill to room/Credit/Check/Cash) EXAMPLE 3 Design Constraints The Hotel Management System shall be a stand-alone system running in a Windows environment. The system shall be developed using Java and an Access or Oracle databaseIllustrate a timeframe needed to complete each task based on the requirements from question 2.(5 Marks)Answer Estimating time framesTo manage your time well, you should know not only what tasks you need to accomplish, but also when those tasks must be completed and how long they'll take. Making accurate estimates about how long a task will take is one of the keys to effective time management. Many management problems are the result of unrealistic estimates of how long it will take to complete specific tasks.If you estimate time frames accurately, you'll be able to schedule work efficiently and meet deadlines:schedule work efficientlyà ââ¬â Accurate estimates about how long tasks will take to complete make scheduling a lot easier. They ensure that you won't have to keep changing your schedule. If you have a task that you accurately estimate will take six hours, for example, you can allot that time in your schedule and be reasonably confident you won't have to change the schedule. But what if you didn't accurately estimate the time for that task and allotted it only three hours? It would throw your schedule off, and you'd need to rework deadlinesà ââ¬â If you're accurate in estimating the time it will take to complete tasks, you'll be better able to meet your deadlines. If you're estimates aren't accurate, you may need to ask to change deadlines or disappoint others who are relying on you to complete certain tasks. With accurate time estimates, you'll also be more confident about setting deadlines because you know that the time you assign for completing each of your tasks is realistic.Time estimate equationIt's important to estimate the time frames for your tasks accurately so that you can schedule all your work effectively and meet deadlines. To go about doing this, you first need to know the requirements of each task and your experience with activities ââ¬â both when they run smoothly and when they don't ââ¬â to produce three time estimates:Theà likely timeà is the time that the task normally takes you to complete. It helps to consider the time it takes to complete the task without interruption. You should also think about a time frame you would be comfortable with based on your workload, the task, and any external factors that may delay or speed up the completion of the task. Theà shortest timeà is the least amount of time that you have taken to complete the task in the past. It may also refer to the shortest time in which you think you can complete the task if there are no interruptions or distractions.You can estimate theà longest timeà by considering what may go wrong when performing the task and then adding this extra time to the task's likely duration. This estimate should be based on your experience of this type of activity in the past, as well as on any foreseeable difficulties. You use the three time estimates to calculate the shortest possible time to complete a task based on an average of the likely, shortest, and longest times. Because in most cases a task will take the likely time to complete, this time is given more weight. You need to multiply it by 4, add the shortest time, and then add the longest time. You divide the total by 6 to get the shortest possible time.One important thing to remember is that you must use the same measurements for each type of time. For example, if your likely time is a number of days, the shortest and longest times must also be in days. If your estimates are in different measurements, start by changing them so they are all the same. The time frames equation often produces a shortest possible time that is longer than the shortest time you put into the equation. This is because the equation helps ensure that you're realistic about how long things will take. To manage your time effectively, you have to estimate the time it will take to complete each of your tasks. Doing this ensures you can schedule your work appropriately and meet all your deadlines. To estimate the time frames for your tasks, you can use a simple time frames equation, which uses estimates for the likely, shortest, and longest times to calculate the realistic, shortest possible time that it will take to complete a task. Five threats to your business that you need to consider for the success of this system.Answer: After assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your business for your business plan, look for external forces, like opportunities and threats, that may have an effect on its destiny. These changes includeThe appearance of new or stronger competitors.The emergence of unique technologiesShifts in the size or demographic composition of your market areaChanges in the economy that affect customer buying habitsChanges in customer preferences that affect buying habitsChanges that alter the way customers access your business. Changes in politics, policies, and regulationsFads and fashion crazesList the threats and opportunities facing your business, and follow these guidelines:When listing opportunities, consider emerging technologies, availability of new materials, new customer categories, changing customer tastes, market growth, new uses for old products (think about how mobile phones and even eyeglasses now double as cameras and computers), new distribution or location opportunities, positive changes in your competitive environment, and other forces that can affect your success. When listing threats, consider the impact of shrinking markets, altered consumer tastes and purchase tendencies, raw material shortages, economic downturns, new regulations, changes that affect access to your business, and competitive threats, including new competing businesses and competitive mergers and alliances. Also think about the impact of expiring patents, labor issues, global issues, and new products that may make your offering outdated or unnecessary. If you're having a tough time getting specific, look back at the strengths and weaknesses, but this time, use it to list strengths and weaknesses of a competitor. You won't know as much about your competitor's capabilities as you know about your own, but you probably know enough to flag areas of strength and weakness. Your competitor's strengths are potential threats to your business, and its weaknesses present potential opportunities. Three elements of risk All risk management standards agree that the goal of risk management is to enhance the chances of success of the relevant endeavor. However, each of them provides a different definition of risk: ISO31000:2009 calls it ââ¬Å"effect of uncertainty on objectives,â⬠the PMI ââ¬Å"PMBOK Guideâ⬠à has ââ¬Å"an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on the project's objectives,â⬠and the preferred Risk Doctor definition is ââ¬Å"uncertainty that matters. ââ¬Å"Each description is true, but only partly so. This matters because, until we know what we are dealing with, we cannot manage it in the best way possible:If we use the ISO definition, then our first thought will be to focus on theà effect;If we follow PMI, then we will start from the potentialà occurrence;With the Risk Doctor definition, we start fromà uncertainty.Each of these ââ¬â the effect, the event and the uncertaintyà ââ¬âà is a component of risk, but on its own is not a risk. Even taken in pairs they do not provide the full picture:an effect plus an event isà an issue;an event plus an uncertainty isà a prediction;an uncertainty plus and effect isà a concern.It is only when you put all three together that you can see what a risk is made of, and use this information to decide on what, if anything, to do about it. Of course, this then requires a longer definition, but the goal enhancing the chances of success is worth the effort. But what is ââ¬Å"successâ⬠? It is more than simply ââ¬Å"meeting objectives;â⬠it must also include the condition of ââ¬Å"complying with project constraintsâ⬠in order for the final result to remain within scope.Given this clarification, a more complete definition is: ââ¬Å"Risk consists of three parts: anà uncertain situation, theà likelihood of occurrenceà of the situation, and theà effect (positive or negative)that the occurrence would have on project success.â⬠The three-part definition helps with three important stages of the risk management process:Inà 1.risk identification, it supports the structured description of a risk (ââ¬Å"risk metalanguageâ⬠) in the form: ââ¬Å"Because of , may occur, leading to Inà 2.risk evaluation, knowledge of potential causes allows you to evaluate the likelihood; identification of effects provides a basis for quantifying the impact. Inà 3 risk response planning, the different parts of the definition suggest different response approaches:forà threat avoidance, understanding theà situationà may allow you to stop it happening or protect against its results;understanding theà situationà can also be used to help usà exploit opportunities;inà risk transfer or sharing, we seek a partner better equipped to address theà effect;forà threat reductionà orà opportunity enhancement, we focus on theà effectà and/or theà likelihood;inà risk acceptance, any contingency plan has to address theà effect. Including these three components when you describe risks (the uncertainty, the event and the effect) will help everyone involved in risk management to take account of these three important aspects of risk, and act on them to enhance the chances of success. EXAMPLE Two examples of Managing risk in hotels Process and framework IHG has an established risk management process and framework embedded in owned and managed hotels in all regions. The long-term strategic goals are aligned with the IHG core purpose Great Hotels Guests Love and include three key elements:safety and security of guests, employees and other third parties;brand strength supported by operational excellence in risk management at all hotels and corporate locations; andmaintenance and promotion of the reputation of the Company. Our approach has been to enable and support hotel owners, staff and corporate functions to manage risk effectively. This is accomplished by giving them a systematic approach and framework to follow and by providing them with tools to do the job.The Global Risk Management function aims to share specialist knowledge and capability globally whilst being aligned to the operational structure of the business to ensure local circumstances are understood and respected and greater engagement of our people is achieved. Example 2 1 Safety and security risks in hotelsA strategic framework for hotel safety and security has been designed for owned and managed hotels and is illustrated below, showing the identified groups of risks and describing the management activities carried out to mitigate those risks.2 Mitigating hotel safety and security risksRisks are identified at hotel level through various means including intelligence gathering, quality audits, risk management assessments and internal audits. They are also identified as a result of incidents, customer audits and self-assessment. Hotel management discuss issues at monthly safety meetings and action plans are developed. Risks are prioritised, assigned and improvement actions are identified, progressed and monitored. Action plans are reviewed at appropriate levels in the organisation for issues that need to be escalated either to drive action or to develop common solutions. IHG believes it has a mature and capable systemic and systematic approach to managing hotel safety and security which both reduces the likelihood and impact of events. The embedded culture within IHG makes hotels and the corporation more resilient to unexpected or unidentifiable risks.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Black Death in the Middle Ages Research Paper
The Black Death in the Middle Ages - Research Paper Example The bacillus normally persists as a mild infection in the bloodstream of infected rats. The rat flea, or Xenopsylla cheopis, is the vector which transmits the bacillus to other rats. In unusual circumstances, such as the absence of an adequate rodent population, the flea may bite and infect humans. The human immune system is very vulnerable to the bacillus and the plague is usually fatal1. A study of the origin, spread, characteristics and significance of the Black Death in the Middle Ages shows that it was one of the greatest catastrophes in human history. The origin of the Black Death can be traced through historical accounts to Central Asia: ââ¬Å"The earliest documented appearance --- occurred in 1346, in the Mongol territory called the Khanate of the Golden Hordeâ⬠in present-day southern Russia2. The plague crossed biological barriers in Central Asia to attack and decimate the marmot population. These dead mammals were skinned by Asian trappers and the hides became a part of the merchandise which travelled down the famous ââ¬ËSilk Roadââ¬â¢ from China, across Asia and to the Crimea.3 The outbreak is reported to have emerged after earthquakes and strange atmospheric conditions. The pestilence first ravaged the teeming populations of China and India, and moved to Persia, supposedly resulting in twenty-four million casualties in the East. There are accounts of horrendous casualties in China, India, Mesopotamia, Cairo, Syria and Cyprus. Gabriele deââ¬â¢ Mussis, a notary of Piacenza, writes that ââ¬Å"In the year 1346, in eastern parts an immense number of Tartars and Saracens fell victims to a sudden and mysterious death.â⬠... Tartars and Saracens fell victims to a sudden and mysterious death.â⬠5 The Tartars besieged the Black Sea port of Caffa (modern Feodosia), a Genoese settlement in the Crimea, where Italian merchants had taken refuge. The Tartars reportedly catapulted plague-infected corpses into Caffa, spreading the infection to the Genoese, who in turn carried it to Genoa. By 1348, the plague had moved from the seaports to reach the inland areas of Alexandria, Tunisia, Italy and France. It jumped across the seas to Britain, Ireland and Norway. It continued to spread until, ââ¬Å"By 1350 virtually all of western and central Europe has been affected.â⬠6 The plague moved eastwards to Poland and the Baltic lands the next year and then back to Central Asia in 1353, when it finally subsided. Historians currently estimate that, between 1346 ââ¬â1353, the Black Death may have caused 50 million deaths in Europe. This constituted about 60 percent of the population. The characteristic symptoms o f the Black Death show it to have been a lethal combination of the Bubonic plague and the pneumonic plague. At the onset of the bacillusââ¬â¢ entry into the human bloodstream, the immune system responded with fever and the swelling of the lymph nodes in an attempt to flush out the contagion. These painful, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits and groin, were called buboes: hence Bubonic plague. These swellings were referred to as the gavocciolo. Boccaccio states that some of these swellings ââ¬Å"were egg-shaped while others were roughly the size of the common apple.â⬠7 By the third day the victim experienced high fever, diarrhea and delirium and the skin showed dark splotches due to the rupture of blood capillaries and the clotting of blood beneath the epidermis. This darkening of the skin may be the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Two Page Overview of Three Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two Page Overview of Three Companies - Essay Example The first real bookstore of Barnes & Noble was actually opened by Charlesââ¬â¢ son named William who partnered with a gentleman named Clifford Noble thus the origin of the name Barnes & Noble. The bookstore was opened in the year 1917 in New York City, and has grown to the illustrious business it is now over the years. Barnes & Noble is known for its upscale retail shops that are usually accompanied with cafes serving starbucks coffee among other products. Although it is officially known as a retail bookstore, this is not the only product that they have to offer, and one can find other items such as magazines, comics, newspapers as well as music within the storeââ¬â¢s retail outlets. The company currently has over 600 stores under its flagship up to date excluding the over 600 college stores it operates as well (Barnes & Noble Inc). is a multinational company that operates through electric commerce through its website that has been popularized around the world. It is believed to be the largest online business in the world and has a consumer base that is located all over the world. It headquarters are located in Seattle, Washington and it sells a large number of items on its online stores. Since it is an online retail store, its expansion cannot be seen on a physical scale but can be pointed out through the different retail websites that it has developed for different countries such as Canada, Italy, Germany, and the United States among others. It also has plans to set up separate online retail stores for more countries including Brazil, Sweden and the Netherlands. The company was founded by a man call Jeff Bezos in the year 1994, but it was released onto the website community as in 1995. The company sells everything from electronic products, toys, books to name but a few and has recently b egan producing its own electronic products such as the Kindle e book reader and tablet computer known as Kindle Fire.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Local landfills and their effect on the environment Research Paper
Local landfills and their effect on the environment - Research Paper Example The City mainly handles its waste management by contracting them out to Local Waste Services. There are some local waste services in the city that operate some landfills, but Grove City majorly allowed SWACO to handle its waste management procedures, which involves the collection and disposal of solid waste at the Franklin County Landfill (Grove City 2011). Apart from SWACO, other waste management companies that are used by people in Grove City 2 include Tri-County Industries, Inc., and Franklin Road Recycling Solution, both of which also operate landfills. Studies have shown that one of the problems of the 21st century in the United States is wasteââ¬âthe country is going through a phase of mountainous waste-production, which is estimated to be millions of tons of waste yearly (Rahm 1-2). As a result of this, city administrators often find themselves at the crossroads to design a functional process for collecting and disposing of these waste materials. For many years now, landfi lls have been the appropriate systems for the disposal of waste in the United States. ... the positive effects of SWACO landfill admired by the Grove City administration are highlighted in the remaining part of this paper, comparing them with that of other local waste services. Tri-County Industries handle the waste materials for residential, industrial and commercial clients located in Grove City, Ohio. The company utilizes its big size and years of experience to help clients cut the cost of disposing of their waste in landfill (Tri-County Industries, Inc. 2011). But Tri-County Industries Landfill has some negative impacts on 3 Grove City residents: according to a recent court case against Tr-County, its landfills located at Pine and Liberty have strong bad odor, lighting issues and noises could be heard at night (Allied News 2011). Similarly, Frank Road Recycling Solutions, for over 75 years, has provided its customers in Grove City, Ohio with good waste-disposal and recycling solutions. These solutions were aimed at helping them do away with their operational waste and protect the environment (Frank Road Recycling Solutions 2011). But Frank Road Recycling Solutions Landfill does not provide the green opportunities offered by SWACO Landfill. Therefore, both Tri-County Industries, Inc., and Frank Road Recycling Solutions do not match the positive effects of SWACO as described below. Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) was created as a waste-management agency with other 51 solid waste districts by Ohio General Assembly in 1989. SWACO was specifically established to help Ohio residents proactively dispose of their waste materials (SWACO 2011). And SWACO landfill provides the following positive effects in Grove City, Ohio. Solid waste materials are disposed of at SWACO landfill while customers are strongly encouraged to recycle some recyclable
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Heart of Darkness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Heart of Darkness - Essay Example As he travelled from the Outer Station to the Central Station and then up the river to the Inner Station, he saw torture, cruelty, and near-slavery. The men who work for the Company, saying that what they were doing as ââ¬Å"trade,â⬠and their behavior towards native Africans as part of the civilizing process, were making those "ignorant African people" stop their horrid, barbaric ways. Kurtz is the symbol of European imperialism in the story. His vicious honesty led him to his end, as the evil practices of Europeans in Africa were in danger of exposure through his accomplishment. He is did not hide the fact that he took ivory by force and treated the natives with violence and intimidation. He represented imperialism in its entirety in Africa. Kurtzââ¬â¢s greed for ivory represented Europeââ¬â¢s desire for the whole world. This greed made him the animal that Marlow found. Kurtz is imperialism and his life in the Congo represented imperialism and the eventual destruction E uropean imperialism itself. On page 14 of Part 3, Conrad described Kurt as the imperialist he had been. ââ¬Å"I thought his memory was like the other memories of the dead that accumulate in every manââ¬â¢s lifeââ¬âa vague impress on the brain of shadows that had fallen on it in their swift and final passage; but before the high and ponderous door, between the tall houses of a street as still and decorous as a well-kept alley in a cemetery, I had a vision of him on the stretcher, opening his mouth voraciously, as if to devour all the earth with all its mankind. He lived then before me; he lived as much as he had ever livedââ¬âa shadow insatiable of splendid appearances, of frightful realities; a shadow darker than the shadow of the night, and draped nobly in the folds of a gorgeous eloquenceâ⬠. The vision of Kurt in the stretcher opening his mouth voraciously as if to devour all the earth and all its mankind signified the torture, cruelty, intimidation, violence and insatiable greed that come with the process of ââ¬Å"civilizingâ⬠the natives by imperialists, the ultimate goal of having the world in their hands. In this sense, Kurtz's personality was a symbol of the imperial goal of Europe. There is a striking similarity between the history book King Leopold's Ghost, by Adam Hochschild and Conradââ¬â¢s the Heart of Darkness. It seems that Leon Rom of the Force Republique was the equivalent of Kurtz character. The collection of African heads surrounding Kurtz's house, and Romââ¬â¢s collections, represent the villainy of both characters. Adam Hochschild, in his book said the following: The 'Inner Station' of Heart of Darkness, the place Marlow looks at through his binoculars only to find Kurtz's collection of the shrunken heads of African 'rebels,' is loosely based on Stanley Falls. In 1895, five years after Conrad visited this post, Leon Rom was station chief there. A British explorer-journalist who passed through Stanley Falls that year described the aftermath of a punitive military expedition against some African rebels: 'Many women and children were taken, and twenty-one heads were brought to the falls, and have been used by Captain Rom as a decoration round a flower-bed in front of his house! If Conrad missed this account, which appeared in the widely read Century Magazine, he almost certainly noticed when The Saturday Review, a magazine he admired and read faithfully,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Lab report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Lab report - Essay Example Understanding of soil is an essential area of study in civil engineering. It is critically important to carry out the analysis of soil prior to initiate any construction. The analysis of soil yields soil related various important factors that include the interaction of soil with the structure over a time through various weather conditions, types of structure soil can support etc. The analysis of soil composition reveals that there are three types of soil namely cohesion less, cohesive, and organic soils. In cohesion less soil the soil particles remain apart from each other. The example of such soil is sand, gravel and silt. Cohesive soils consist of very tiny particles that have characteristic to stick together in presence of water due to attractive forces present among them. Clay is an example of such soil2. Organic soils have spongy, compressible and crumbly nature and because of because of its unstable nature are strongly undesirable for any scale of construction. Depending of the soil various layers depth, all three types are further divided into various sub-categories and construction is carried out while considering these sub-layers i.e. shallow foundations is located in the first layer below the structure, followed by the individual footing (sub plate) between boundary layers, and uprooting sub paneling that sometimes used extreme environments (tundra )1. As enlarge footing size will increase the area of contact (area = B2), hence it increase the allowable bearing capacity qa of soil. By evaluating all these variables, the column load can be calculated which will be equal to the load on footing. As soil degradation also affect the footing hence the effect is indirectly transfer to columns and hence to the whole construction. In this experiment a specimen of soil with known % of water by weight has been prepared. The mass of sample is determined using an analytical balance
Saturday, August 24, 2019
LOVE. Review the NHS changes proposed in the Health and Social Care Essay
LOVE. Review the NHS changes proposed in the Health and Social Care Bill now proceeding through Parliament and evaluate how these reforms are to address the problems with the Service - Essay Example The reduction of inequalities in the provision of health and social care is highlighted as one of the focus areas for the secretary of state under the new Bill (Dow 2011, p13). In addition, the Bill proposes that the provision of comprehensive health services which include various aspects of health care including mental and physical through proper diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. This aspect proposes that quality of services in the health sector is raised to meet the standards set for continuous improvement in the health sector. The Bill proposes that the level of public contribution to health and social care service provision is increased (Crisp n.d., p4). Public proposals for development of the services provided are to be highlighted and considered by the NHS Commissioning Board in decisions affecting health care services. The Board will be mandated with establishing of various platforms to involve the public in the identification of the needs of the specific needs and approaches needed for improvement. Establishment of the Public Health England will be the focus of the improvement of public health care provision. The roles of the Local Authorities and commissioners of health in the provision of health and social care services are expected to be integrated under the Bill. In view of the need to provide a coordinated service, the government will eliminate unnecessary costs of duplication and offer the benefits of synergies. It is important that scrutiny of the services offered of such diverse service providers is introduced in the improvement proposed by the Bill since accountability issues derail quality service (ACKA Consulting 2008, p1). The Bill undertakes to offer regulatory authority for the various types of health and social care practitioners as required in a functional system. It is important that the professionals involved in the health care and social sector be regulated for conformity with quality and improvement as
Friday, August 23, 2019
Esse Quam Videri Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Esse Quam Videri - Essay Example The political aspect of seeming rather than being is perhaps at the heart of the issue facing people today. There is a distinct connection between listening to candidates spout platitudes and seeming as if they care about helping people and those who wear T-shirts with pithy political slogans, but do not help the world. A walk around any college campus will reveal that political action in most cases means attacking the surface quality; it is easier to seem as though you are political involved than to be politically involved. Helping people is not political, however; it is a necessity for making the world a better place. I arrived at the decision to quit seeming as though I cared about the surface politics of helping people and actually become someone who helped. Too many people in this country feel they have done enough to help the environment by signing petitions calling for cleaner air standards or opposing drilling in the Alaskan wilderness. Those are great things, to be sure, but to do so is merely to seem as if you care about the environment unless you back it up with action. If you want to really be someone who cares about the environment then you need to make changes in your lifestyle.
Pain management in pallative care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pain management in pallative care - Essay Example The perception of pain and its threshold are the result of complex interactions between sensory, emotional and behavioural factors. Inflammation and nerve injury can reduce pain thresholds and increase sensitivity to sensory stimuli (Hudspith et al, 2005). Acute pain is frequently caused by tissue damage and resultant inflammatory reactions causes' local release of mediators such as prostagladines, histamine, bradykinin, substance P and noradrenaline (Williams and Asquith, 2000). In conditions where excitation of pain fibres become greater as the pain stimulus continues, hyperalgesia develops which is an extreme sensitivity to pain and in one form is caused by damaged to nociceptors in the bodies soft tissues ( Wikipedia, 2006). Pain receptor or nociceptors are naked ending of A and C nerve fibres through which the body is able to detect the occurrence, location, intensity and duration of noxious stimuli that stimulates pain sensation (Dalgleish, 2000). Fast pain is meditated by A nerve fibres which are felt within a tenth of a second of the application of the pain stimulus which can be described as sharp and acute pain. Slow pain meditated by type C nerve fibres is an aching throbbing and burning pain (Wikipedia, 2006). The A fibres transmit signals at approximately 10 m/s compared to the slower C fibres at 1-2 m/s. The peripheral nerves have a well defined anatomic path through the body to the central nervous system. The nerve fibres transmit their messages in the other nerve fibres in the dorsal horn, and much of the modulation of pain transmission occurs here. Nerves which carry the pain impulses passed through the spine to the thalamus. There are other tracts as well which carry pain sensation travelling up the spinal cord to other parts of the central nervous system (Munafo and Trim, 2000). Apart from pain pathways that ascend from the peripheries via the spinal chord to the brain, there are other nerve fibres that descend from the brain and affect the transmission and hence the sensation of the pain. This modulation of pain may occur anywhere but happens particularly in the early synapses in the dorsal horn of the spinal chord (Munafo and Trim, 2000). In order to understand the overall mechanism of pain, knowledge of ascending pathway and descending inhibitory pathway is essential. Palliative care in literal terms is refers to the provision of active care for a person whose condition is not responsive to curative treatment. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has defined palliative care as "the active total care of patients whose disease no longer responds to curative treatment. Control of pain, of other symptoms, and of psychological, social and spiritual problems is paramount. The goal of palliative care is achievement of best possible quality of life for patient and their families (Lugton and Kindlen, 2002). A number of complementary therapies are employed; on an average a third of cancer patients use alternative and complementary medicine during their illness (Ernest and Cassileth, 1998). Constipation and associated and associated problems affects approximately 50% of patients admitted to Hospices in the U.K. There is growing interest in the role that abdominal message play in relieving constipation. A recent research paper explains how a safe non-invasive easily learnt technique of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious Essay Example for Free
Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious Essay As Antonia Peacocke quotes in her essay, ââ¬Å"The show Family Guy is one of the first in history that has been canceled not just once, but twiceâ⬠(300-301). The show was brought back in August 2000 and again in July 2001 when fans could not get enough of the adult cartoon. As well as being a fan favorite, Family Guy is also a controversial topic for critics all over the world. In the essay, ââ¬Å"Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconsciousâ⬠, Antonia Peacocke analyzes the show and gives her reasons why it is not all negative and crude humor. Antonia Peacocke is a student at Harvard University. She is also a National Merit Scholar, and has won awards such as the Catherine Fairfax MacRae prize for Excellence in both English and Mathematics. She was asked to write this essay specifically for the book They Say, I say: with readings. The Peacockeââ¬â¢s main point of her entire essay is that she wants to let readers know why Family Guy is not a bad show, in her and others opinions, but one that has been criticized for solely bringing entertainment. Peacocke does a successful job in portraying this, but it is not completely clear until the end, where her thesis can be found. The very last sentence of the essay is her thesis: ââ¬Å"While I love Family Guy as much as any fan, itââ¬â¢s important not to lose sight of whatââ¬â¢s truly unfunny in real life ââ¬â even as we appreciate what is hilarious in fictionâ⬠(Peacocke 308). Peacockeââ¬â¢s thesis could be a little more clear throughout her essay, therefore, I do not feel it is as effective as it could be, but the author clearly states her argument and presents her case. Peacocke starts the essay of by saying, ââ¬Å" Before I was such a devotee, however, I was adamantly opposed to the program for its particular brand of humorâ⬠(Peacocke 300). She makes it clear her feelings about the show in the very beginning. Although she is a fan, she at one time disliked the show. She quotes Stephen Dubner, co-author of Freakonomics, as saying ââ¬Å"a cartoon comedy that packs more gags per minute about race, sex, incest, bestiality, etc. than any other show [he] can think ofâ⬠(Peacocke 300). She backs up her one time opinions by saying ââ¬Å"It will come as no surprise that I was not alone in this view; many still denounce Family Guy as bigoted and crudeâ⬠(Peacocke 300). Although the show is currently very successful, she says ââ¬Å"It must be one of the few shows in television history that has been canceled not only once, but twiceâ⬠¦ The show ran until August 2000, but was besieged by so many complaintsâ⬠¦that Fox shelved it until July 2001â⬠(Peacocke 300). Also, she says, ââ¬Å"I must admit, I can see how parts of the show might seem offensive if taken at face valueâ⬠(Peacocke 302). At one point Peacocke realized, ââ¬Å" [I found myself] forced to give Family Guy a chance. It was simply everywhere ââ¬Å" (Peacocke 302). One of Peacockeââ¬â¢s main points is that Family Guy has gained much positive attention. On Facebook, as Peacocke explains, ââ¬Å"there are 23 universal separate Family Guy groups with a combined membership of 1,669 people (compared with only 6 groups protesting against Family Guy, with 105 members total). Users of the well-respected Internet Movie Database rate the show 8.8 out of 10â⬠(Peacocke 303). As you can see, ââ¬Å"among the public and within the industry, the show receives fantastic acclaim; it has won eight awards, including three primetime Emmysâ⬠(Peacocke 303). Also, when the show was on the brink of cancellation, ââ¬Å" fans provided the brute source necessary to get it back on the airâ⬠(Peacocke 303). The more she was around the show, the more positively she viewed it. Peacocke then goes on to say that those who do not often watch the show, ââ¬Å"could easily come to think that the cartoon takes pleasure in controversial humor just for its own s akeâ⬠Peacocke 303). The next main point that Peacocke claims is that viewers who ââ¬Å"pay more attention and think about the creatorsââ¬â¢ intentions can see that Family Guy intelligently satirizes some aspects of American cultureâ⬠(Peacocke 304). The next paragraph is a segment from an episode in season 4, which shows Stewie reading a book only because it was on the Oprah reading list. Peacocke says ââ¬Å" [Brian and] Stewie demonstrate insightfully and comically how Americans are willing to follow the instructions of a celebrity blindly ââ¬â and less willing to admit that they are doing soâ⬠(Peacocke 304). The jokes that Family Guy is known for, ââ¬Å"attract a different kind of viewer. Such viewers areâ⬠¦conscious and critical viewersâ⬠(Peacocke 304). In my opinion, the very last sentence is the most powerful in the whole essay. Peacocke states ââ¬Å"They are not ââ¬â and I cannot stress this enough, self serving as it may seem ââ¬â immoral or easily manipula ted peopleâ⬠(304). Peacocke says that it sheds light on, and allows viewers ââ¬Å" the ability to analyze what they are watching, the creators of Family Guy point out the weaknesses and defects of U.S. society in a mocking and sometimes intolerant wayâ⬠(Peacocke 305). A good example of this is the segment from the episode ââ¬Å"I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar.â⬠In this episode, ââ¬Å"the ââ¬Ëinstructional videoââ¬â¢ quoted above becomes not only funny but also insightful. In its satire, viewers can recognize the sickly sweet and falsely sensitive sexism of the 1950s in observing just how conveniently self-serving the speaker of the video appears. The message of the clips denounces and ridicules sexism rather than condoning itâ⬠(Peacocke 305). The last main point that Peacocke makes is that ââ¬Å"Family Guy does not aim to hurt, and its creators take certain measures to keep it from hitting too hardâ⬠¦ Seth MacFarlane plainly states that there are certain jokes too upsetting to certain groups to go on the airâ⬠(Peacocke 307). Also, Peacocke states that ââ¬Å"I believe Family Guy has its intelligent points, and some of its seemingly ââ¬Ëcoarseââ¬â¢ scenes often have hidden meritâ⬠(Peacocke 308). In the next sentence Peacocke does admit that ââ¬Å"sometimes the creators do seem cross ââ¬â or, perhaps, eagerly race past ââ¬â the line of indecencyâ⬠(Peacocke 308). In her closing paragraph, Peacocke questions the fact that ââ¬Å"while Family Guy can provide a sort of relief by breaking down taboos, we must still wonder whether or not these taboos exist for a reasonâ⬠(Peacocke 308). All three main points that the author makes are valid, and as seen in quotes, each main topic is backed up by main points. The first main point is that Family Guy is gaining positive attention. Although this is a valid point, as seen by the popularity, and the awards, this isnââ¬â¢t reason enough to call the show ââ¬Ëgood.ââ¬â¢ As the author states, at one point she was not a fan of the show but it later turned onto it by exposure. The content of the show did not change for her opinion to change, she just gave the show a chance and realized she liked the humor. The second main point is that the show makes intellectual references to American culture. This is a valid point as to why the show is good. Any show with a little bit of substance makes references to the past and current topics. It tells what is going on in the world, and explains topics everybody should be aware of. The last main point is that Family Guy breaks rules that no other major TV program or network has been able to break. Although many critics believe these are rules that shouldnââ¬â¢t be broken, the creators believe it needs to be done. This makes it a ââ¬Ëgoodââ¬â¢ because it crosses boundaries that others are afraid to cross. Conclusion will link back to first comparison to Freud. Work Cited Peacocke, Antonia. ââ¬Å"Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious.â⬠They Say, I Say: with readings. Ed. Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst, and Gerald Graff. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. 300-308. Print.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Impact of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour
Impact of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour Chapter 1 Introductionà Preliminary Data Gathering 1.1: Introduction to the Report: During the last two decades many important developments in the position of food in daily life of consumers and producers takes place. In earlier times consumers were self sufficient, but during the last two decades things have been changed and there was a rapid development in the industrialization of food packaging communication process. So this research study focuses on the area of Packaging which is one of the most important elements of marketing mix and many marketers had considered packaging as a fifth ââ¬ËP , while the other four Ps are Product, Placement, Promotional and Price. So packaging is used as an important marketing tool. In marketing terms, Packaging can be defined as: ââ¬Å"All the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper of a product, Packaging is a structure designed to contain a commercial food product, i.e. to make it easier and safer to transport, to protect the product against contamination or loss, degradation or damage and to produce a convenient way to dispense the productâ⬠1. Packaging mainly can be divided into three types, i.e. Consumer Packaging, Transport packaging and Food Packaging. This study is specified only to food packaging as food packaging industry requires packaging material that provides efficient barriers, preserves product effectively and therefore increases the shelf life of the product 2. However packaging is criticized largely from the environmental point of view, because many researchers think that packaging is depleting natural resources, as certain form of packages are health hazards, and there is a significant problem of disposing of these packages. Marketing researchers have to deal with these criticisms, and must enhance the positive features of packaging, like product protection, preservation, containment, communication, consumer convenience and marketing support 3. In context of above description, this study is basically consists of observations, surveys and interview from the consumers not only to determine how packaging of existing FMCG food products contain, preserve, and communicate the buyer, but the new food products too, because the variables for selecting the existing food products are different from the variables for selecting the new FMCG food products, secondly to know the importance of packaging on their buying decision process both for existing and new products, how they get influence, and how a good quality and attractive packaging convince them to buy particular FMCG food products. 1.2: Background of the study: The professional fields are becoming more and more challenging and competitive in the present arena. So, in order to endure and be successful in any field, you must have the deep knowledge and appropriate skills of the concerned field. In fact this is true about the fields of management sciences, in which the Knowledge and skills of a person can be polished, if he goes through some practical experiences. Therefore this study is mainly conducted to have the knowledge of practical business situations, because the theoretical knowledge might not always match with the practical situations, where we do businesses. Therefore this would be the socialization to the market in a sense of applying our theoretical knowledge in the practical fields. In this regard, I have selected the area of Packaging for my research study which carries a great concern in the present arena because in the last one and half decade the importance of packaging has been actualized immensely and by having packaging knowledge and designing skills, practically you can enhance your capabilities. Packaging has covered all the consumer tangible goods in order to create and enhance the marketing efforts. According to ââ¬Å"International Association of Packaging Research Institutesâ⬠IAPRI, the packaging technology has gone through a significant and fast exploitation in recent years, and globally the packaging material and machinery industry is estimated to be worth of $ 500 billion per year representing almost 1-2 % of the GDP industrialized country, and over 100, 00 packaging manufacturing companies have employed approx 5 million people to serve all packaging business manufacturers company 4. 1.3: Introduction to the topic: The topic for my research is ââ¬Å"A Survey on the Impact influence of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviorâ⬠in which we will try to explore the variables of packaging not only for the existing food products but for the new products too, which attracts consumer behavior and influence them to buy. 1.3.1: Importance of Packaging: Many researchers together with Price, Promotion, Placement and Product considers Packaging as a fifth ââ¬Å"Pâ⬠as a marketing tools, because they think that packaging is a face of a product which actually refers to the material that servers to contain, identify, describe, protect, display and promote a specific product. The main objectives of packaging are to keep the food in good condition until it is sold or have been consumed and to encourage the consumer to buy it again and again. Correct packaging is essential to achieve above given objectives. Yearly billion of pounds are spent on packaging food. 1.3.2: Functions of Packaging: There are many protecting functions and purposes of packaging that influence consumers to buy a particular product.The various functions of packaging can be divided into three main types: Primary, secondary and tertiary (additional Functions). Primary functions concerned with the technical nature of the product while the secondary and tertiary functions are related to communications. The Primary Functions of packaging are to protect and storage of a product from loss, damage or any kind of deterioration from environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, precipitation and solar radiation. i.e.; the durability of a package, because people wants material that will really protect the product they bought and something that can resist handling and shipping. The Secondary and Tertiary Functions of packaging are the sales, promotional, service and guarantee functions. The main intentions of sales function of package is to promote the sales processes and to make it more effective and efficient, therefore in designing a package promotional materials should be placed at right place, because it plays an important role to communicate about the product functions, features, and other informational elements. The various informational elements such as product features, manufacturing and expiry date, ingredients information, nutritional information, food labeling etc. provides the consumer with details about the contents and use of a particular product. Therefore these promotional materials should be properly placed on the package in order to attract the potential consumers attention and to have a positive impact on their buying behavior 5. 1.3.3: Consumer Buying Behavior: The other main concern of the study is to know about consumer buying behavior or consumer decisions making process and how packaging can influence them to buy a particular product. Marella in one of her articles about packaging defines consumer buying behavior as the process by which ââ¬Å"individuals search, select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their need and wantâ⬠. When consumers need to purchase something, they usually go for the brands which are trustworthy and try not to seek other products such as new products or the brand which they dont know at all 6. Therefore at the point of purchase what communicates or influence consumer to buy particular product is only ââ¬ËPackaging. Similarly quality judgments are significantly influence by the product characteristics reflected by the packaging because packaging acts as a communicator, and it underlines overall features and functions of a product that lies in it such as informational el ements, product features, material used etc. So if the package is well design and attractive enough, consumer will likely to buy it especially in the case of new products. So, it is important that products should be well and attractive packaged to gain consumer attention. 1.4: Purpose of the Study: Success of a product depends on developing a strong relationship with consumer through an affective and efficient synergetic marketing mix, in which ââ¬ËPackagingâ⬠is one of the main elements to influence because packaging is the language of a product which only communicate to the consumer without any interpreter and has an immense effect on purchase decision. Most Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) is low involvement products. In low involvement, ââ¬Å"consumers do not search extensively for information about the brands, evaluate their characteristics, and make a weighty decision on which brand to buyâ⬠, and as packaging plays an important role in success of a brand and on a retail shelf it is the last opportunity to influence the consumer to buy, so the main purpose of this research, so this study will be conducted with an idea of knowing the impact influence of packaging on the purchase decision of FMCG food products, which are mostly consumed frequently and also to know the experiences of the ultimate consumers about packaging. The research study is basically conducted to apply my theoretical knowledge of marketing in the practical field of professionals by interviewing different consumers and to know their views and preferences towards the importance of food packaging. The objective of the research study will be focused on: To know consumer awareness about packaging. To examine the influence of existing and new FMCG food products packaging on consumer buying behavior. To examine consumer experience of purchasing packaged food products. To understand how packaging can influence them to purchase their decision powers To know whether a good and attractive packaging of FMCG food products can influence consumers to buy it or not? Beside this the research is the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelors of Business Administration and the submission to the Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar. 1.5: Methodology of the report: This study has been conducted with the following procedures: 1.5.1: Reading Articles Reading articles are the formation of the strongest foundation. For this research study I have been reading and looking at different articles and research studies both in libraries as well as through Internet and searching through digital libraries the literature of the my research study. 1.5.2: Questionnaires The data for my research study has been collected from a representative sample of 200 people, who are responsible for purchasing the household food products and are also the ultimate consumers of the packaged food products. The sample from population was derived from shoppers at different geographical areas of Peshawar. The questionnaire was initially put to pilot testing on 5 respondents for clarity and validity. Through the use of questions related to the study, the respondents were highly encouraged to express their opinions. The questionnaire comprised of few questions, grouped in five sections: Visual Impact, Brand Information, food labeling and nutrition information, and new products purchasing. The impact of these variables is analyzed in the Analysis section. Responses of the consumers have been converted to frequencies and percentages by using SPSS software through which I developed the Bar chart or Histogram in order to explain the degree of impact of mentioned variables on the purchase decision I have also used the Pie chart method in order to find the most influencing variable on the purchase decision. 1.6: Scope of the Study The Scope for my research study is limited to Peshawar city and the sample for my research has also been taken from the population of Peshawar city for collecting primary data. The market, which has been surveyed, is limited to the consumers in Peshawar region. The reader of this research report will be able to understand the preferences of consumers about the packaging especially the food packaging, because consumers are more connected to the food industry. And also they would be having better understanding that how packaging can influence consumers purchase decision? Besides, this research study will also show the knowledge and understanding of packaging features and roles in the marketing efforts and new demands from the packaging industries as far as consumers are concerned. 1.7: Limitations The first hurdle that I have faced is the unavailability of the secondary data about our local markets consumers therefore, in this stage I had the difficulty to find the relevant data as far as my study of research is concerned. Another limitation is the difficulty in collecting primary data in the market as I have used Questionnaire method but mostly respondents were not familiar about that how to understand and respond to a question being asked. Third limitation is time constraint, which is again a pressure on us to finalize the research report which might caused this research report be deficient in order to cover every aspect of my research study but still I made the best of it. 1.8: Sampling The study population comprised of 200 people who are the ultimate consumers of packaged food products. The sample has been drawn from supermarkets located in different geographical areas in Peshawar and also collected data from the respondents in the universities. For my studies I used stratified sampling method and judgment sampling method. I divide my sample into three main stratas like those males which got the purchasing power and do purchase regardless of the family members, second those female households which ultimately got the purchasing power, and lastly childrens. For childrens I used judgment sampling method. 1.9: Scheme of Report This report is organized in five main sections. Section 1 consists of one chapter that describes the introduction of the report, objectives and the purpose of the report. Section 2 consists of two chapters that constitute literature of this study and Different variables involved, respectively. Section 3 also consists of two chapters in which theoretical framework and nature of the research, i.e. research design has been describe. In Section 4 there is one chapter in which the data analysis has been done and the last Section, which is Section 5, consists of one chapter that mainly includes the Conclusion and Recommendations of this Research Study. References Cited: (1) Marketing Dictionary, Small Business Encyclopedia: Packaging, Web Link: (2) Peters-Texeira, A., Badrie, N. (2005). Consumers perception of food packaging in Trinidad, West Indies and its related impact on food choices. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 29(6), 508-514. Retrieved from E-Journals database. (3) M. Sehrawet and S.C. Kundu, (2007), ââ¬Å"Buying behavior of rural and urban consumers in India: the impact of packagingâ⬠, International Journal of Consumer Studies Vol:31, pp630-638 (4): Packaging Research: Background to Packaging, Online Available at: (5): Transport information System, Functions of Packaging. Online Availabale at: (6): Marella, Does product packaging significantly influence consumer buying behavior? Online Available at: Chapter 2 Literature Review Literature Review: 2.1 Introduction: This chapter presents the results of a comprehensive literature search in several aspects to this work. The prime objective of this literature survey is to identify those variables, which are involved in this research study about perception of food packaging, that how consumer perceive about food packaging in industry and how they are influence the purchase of consumer decision in choosing any FMCG food products. 2.2 Packaging Definition: Packaging can be defined as, ââ¬Å"All the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper of a productâ⬠. The container is called package. Packaging is a structure designed to contain a commercial food product, i.e. to make it easier and safer to transport, to protect the product against contamination or loss, degradation or damage and to produce a convenient way to dispense the product 1. Packaging also refers as a container, silent salesperson or a wrapper for a consumer product that assists a number of functions including protection and description of the product, contents and product marketing promotion. Creatively and innovatively designed packages actually add value to the product, if it meets a consumer need such as portion control, recyclability, tamper-proofing, child-proofing, easy-open, easy-store, easy-carry, and non breakability. The labels on packages such as informational elements, nutritional elements, ingredients elements, brand information are such type of important components of the packages which enhance the overall marketing mix and can support advertising claims, build brand identity, heighten name recognition, and optimize shelf space allocations. When designing a packaging, the monetary value to manufacture, shipment, and display the package must be efficiently calculated. However, regarding to the packaging size and shape, the package must be design in a way that if it is small, then it should be small enough to accommodate available shelf space and large enough to dissuade theft. Furthermore, creatively designed packages must highlights the benefits of the product and contain an adequate amount of product to keep the per unit price competitive 2.3 Packaging Evolution: In early times, Before the World War II, Packaging was primarily used and was often standardized to surround and protect products during storage, transportation, and distribution. The main role of packaging was to ensure the preservation and transportation of products and even for ease-of-use by the end consumer, but package design was typically left to technicians. However, After World War II, things were changed and companies became more interested in mass production and development of packaging and invest more in marketing and promotion tools as a means of alluring customers to purchase their products. As a result of which many manufacturers began to view packaging as an essential element of overall business marketing strategies to lure buyers. This industry revolution and increased attention to packaging concurred with socioeconomic changes that were taking place around the world and on other hand with passage of time the consumers were becoming better educated, as a result of which their expectations of product, packaging designs and their trust on them was increased as well. Therefore, consumer began to rely much more heavily on manufactured goods and processed food items. New technologies related to production, manufacturer, storage distribution, and preservatives led to a massive increase in the number and type of products and brands available in industrialized nations. Thus, packaging became a vital means of differentiating items and informing busy consumers. Packaging today, is regarded, as an essential part of a successful business practice. Package design became a marketing mix promotion tool, and as a new corporate cost-consciousness developed in response to increased competition, companies began to alter packaging techniques as a way to cut production, storage, and distribution expenses. Furthermore, marketers began to view packaging as a successful marketing tool to feat existing product lines by adding new items and to ticker new life into maturing product line 2. 2.4: Packaging Attributes: Food products brands use a range of packaging attributes, which comprises of packaging colors, packaging designs, shapes, messages, and symbols (Pinya Silayoi Mark Speece, Oct, 2004) 1. These attributes attracts and sustains the attention of consumers and help them to identify with the images presented. The importance of packaging design and the use of packaging as a vehicle for communication and branding are growing in packaged food competitive markets. Consumers intentions to purchase packaged products depend on the degree of extent to which consumers expect that the product will satisfy their need when they will consume it. But there are certain situations when they havent even heard about the products so much while entering into the stores, (especially in the case of new products) so the intentions to purchase that very particular product is basically determined by what is communicated at the point of sale. So, at the time of sale when the product is not familiar to the consumer, the only factor that attracts consumers to purchase is Packaging which is also called as Silent Salesperson. It acts as s silent salesperson and became a critical factor when the consumer decision making process is in progress, and how they perceive it depends upon the communication elements, which become the key factor to success for marketing strategies. Now to achieve that communication goal effectively and to optimize the potential of packaging, the marketers and the package designers must have to consider consumer perception point, their past experiences, their needs wants, and understand how packaging design layouts get consumers to notice the package and notice messages on the package and evaluate packaging design and labeling for their effectiveness in the communication effort because it is also important to notice that not all consumers evaluate the packaging in the same way. 2.5 Packaging Functions and Elements: Pinya Silayoi and Mark Speece (2004), defines the basic functions of packaging logistically and marketing by their role. The logistical function of packaging is mainly to protect the product from incidence of damage, spoilage or loss through theft or misplace goods during movement through the distribution channel. While in the context of marketing function, the packaging should be attractive enough and well design, so that it conveys the message of product attributes clearly. Now whatever the logical considerations of packaging, the marketing function of packaging attributes plays a vital role as a communicator and it is only the package that sells the product by attracting and communicating the consumers, and allows the product to be comprised, divvy up, unitized and protected. Quality judgments are largely influenced by product charactertics reflected by packaging, because packages overall features can underline the uniqueness and originality of the product. If the packaging attributes communicates high quality, consumers assume that the product is of high quality. However if the package symbolizes or communicates low quality, consumers transfer this low quality perception to the product itself. So the packaging acts as communicator and communicates favorable or unfavorable implied meaning about the product. Mark Speece (2004) suggests that consumers are more likely to spontaneously imagine aspects of how a product looks tastes, feels, smells, or sounds while they are viewing a product picture on the package. A review of the above literature indicates that there are mainly four packaging elements potentially affecting consumer purchase decisions. They can be separated into two categories; visual and informational elements. The visual elements consist of graphics, images size and shape of packaging. Informational elements relate to product information and information about the technologies used in the package. However the product information can further be categorized into food labeling, ingredients information, nutrition information, usage detail, and manufacturers / company details, manufacturing and expiry information etc. 2.6: Variables of Packaging: 2.6.1: Visual Elements: Graphics and Color: The implication of graphics is explained by the images created on the product. Graphics designs are visual presentations which include layout, color combinations, typography, and product photography all of which create a positive and distinctive image. For consumers, the package is the product, and different consumers respond to different packages in different ways depending on their involvement level (Silayoi Speece, 2004). For low involvement products, such as FMCG, where initial impressions formed during initial contact can have lasting impact and where evaluation of attributes is less important in decision making, here then a highly noticeable factor such as graphics and colors becomes more important (Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999) (3). On the other hand, the behavior of consumers towards high involvement products is mostly influenced by image issues. For low involvement, there is a strong impact on consumer decision making from the development of the market through marketing com munications, including image building (Kupiec and Revell, 2001). (4) Placement of Visual Impact Elements Matters: In packaging layouts, the placement of visual elements also plays an important role for consumer psyche, because a psychic research of Rettie and Brewer, (2000) (5) indicates that brain laterality results in an asymmetry in the perception of elements in packaging designs. The recall of package elements/attributes is likely to be influenced by their lateral pass position on the package, as well as by other usually recognized factors, such as font color, font size and font style. Research shows that for verbal stimuli recall is better when the copy is on the right-hand side of the package, and better for non-verbal stimuli when it is on the left-hand side. This may imply that, in order to maximize consumers recall, pictorial elements, such as product photography, typography, it should be positioned on the left-hand side of the package. Grossman and Wisenblit (1999) (6), says in their research that consumers also learn color associations, which lead them to prefer certain colors for certain product categories. For a unique particular brand, using color as a clue on packaging can nurture a potentially strong association. However people in different cultures are exposed to different colors and according their own culture they develop different color preferences. So as a marketer, color consideration should be the part of their marketing strategies and by keeping in mind the color consideration according to people perception in different culture, colors of a particular logo, package or product design should be done after a thorough understanding of color association according to culture. Packaging Size and Shape: Silayoi and Speece, (2004) states that in packaging, the other visual elements such as size and shape are also important in consideration. Package size, shape and elongation also affect consumer judgments and considerations. Consumers use these things as simplifying visual heuristics to make volume judgments. They generally perceive more elongated packages to be larger. In case of sizes, especially for generic products, different sizes of packages may appeal to consumer with different involvement level. Usually generic products are packaged in larger sizes, which communicate to consumers who are specifically looking for good deals. So, this implies that when the product quality is hard to determine, as with generics, the packaging size effect is important. Thus elongating the shape, within acceptable bound, should result in consumer thinking of the package as better value for money also conceivably affect perceived volume. 2.6.2: Informational Elements Product Information Product information includes information elements, such as food labeling, nutrition information, health information, ingredients information, manufactures date, expiry date. In high involvement level, the behavior of consumers toward product characterized is less influenced by image issues, graphical and visual response, in such cases consumer seeks product information which is one of the important packaging functions to communicate. (Kupiec and Revell, 2001; Silayoi and Speece, 2004). (7) Written information on the package can assists consumers in making their decisions carefully as they consider product characteristics. Package layout is important for information presentation. Food labeling is considered as significant information on packaging and a recent study shows that 90 percent of the consumers trends towards healthier eating have highlighted the importance of labeling, which also allows consumers the opportunity to cautiously consider alternatives and make informed food choices. However, packaging information can create confusion by conveying either too much misleads the inaccurate information. Manufacturers and package designers often use very small fonts and very dense writing styles to pack extensive information on the label, which lead to poor readability and sometimes confusion. As confusion can affect consumer decision quality, So Mitchell and Papavassiloiu (1999) (8), suggests that consumer confusion of information overload can be reduced by narrowing down their choice sets, because by reducing their choice alternatives and evaluation attributes decreases the probability that they will be confused by excessive choice and information overload. This strategy could also be applied to more experience consumers, because loyal consumers potentially look fewer brand alternatives. So, it is the experience which makes consumer more selectively perspective and restrict the scope of their choices. Hughes (1998) (9), in one of his journals grabs the attention towards involvement level, that sometimes involvement level reflects the extent of personal relevance of the individuals personal goals, basic values and self concept. If the product does not stimuli much interest, consumers do not give much attention to it. High involvement level shows more personal relevance. In general, consumer acquisition of low involvement products is often done without carefully examining brand and product information. This lack of commitment suggests that information on the package would carry relatively less value in such cases. On the other hand, more highly involved consumers evaluate message information more carefully, relying on the message to form their attitudes and purchase intentions (Silayoi and Speece, 2004). Packaging Technology Packaging for the FMCG food products in market plays a vital role in promoting the product to the customer, as well as carrying informative and legislative detail. Combining these roles requires commercial awareness, detailed knowledge of the relevant technologies, creative image care and consideration of the effect of colors, typography, photography that must support the product or brand. Design and technology of packaging decoration for the users market guides you through the technical and commercial factors to consider when planning the decoration, or label, of a package (10). Technology is basically somewhat related to the informational elements, because packaging technology conveys informational messages such as nutrition, health, ingredients which is linked to the consumer life style, so the technology of packaging development that constrained in the message communicated through technology must fulfill consumers need criteria. Consumers are even often prepared to pay slightl Impact of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour Impact of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour Chapter 1 Introductionà Preliminary Data Gathering 1.1: Introduction to the Report: During the last two decades many important developments in the position of food in daily life of consumers and producers takes place. In earlier times consumers were self sufficient, but during the last two decades things have been changed and there was a rapid development in the industrialization of food packaging communication process. So this research study focuses on the area of Packaging which is one of the most important elements of marketing mix and many marketers had considered packaging as a fifth ââ¬ËP , while the other four Ps are Product, Placement, Promotional and Price. So packaging is used as an important marketing tool. In marketing terms, Packaging can be defined as: ââ¬Å"All the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper of a product, Packaging is a structure designed to contain a commercial food product, i.e. to make it easier and safer to transport, to protect the product against contamination or loss, degradation or damage and to produce a convenient way to dispense the productâ⬠1. Packaging mainly can be divided into three types, i.e. Consumer Packaging, Transport packaging and Food Packaging. This study is specified only to food packaging as food packaging industry requires packaging material that provides efficient barriers, preserves product effectively and therefore increases the shelf life of the product 2. However packaging is criticized largely from the environmental point of view, because many researchers think that packaging is depleting natural resources, as certain form of packages are health hazards, and there is a significant problem of disposing of these packages. Marketing researchers have to deal with these criticisms, and must enhance the positive features of packaging, like product protection, preservation, containment, communication, consumer convenience and marketing support 3. In context of above description, this study is basically consists of observations, surveys and interview from the consumers not only to determine how packaging of existing FMCG food products contain, preserve, and communicate the buyer, but the new food products too, because the variables for selecting the existing food products are different from the variables for selecting the new FMCG food products, secondly to know the importance of packaging on their buying decision process both for existing and new products, how they get influence, and how a good quality and attractive packaging convince them to buy particular FMCG food products. 1.2: Background of the study: The professional fields are becoming more and more challenging and competitive in the present arena. So, in order to endure and be successful in any field, you must have the deep knowledge and appropriate skills of the concerned field. In fact this is true about the fields of management sciences, in which the Knowledge and skills of a person can be polished, if he goes through some practical experiences. Therefore this study is mainly conducted to have the knowledge of practical business situations, because the theoretical knowledge might not always match with the practical situations, where we do businesses. Therefore this would be the socialization to the market in a sense of applying our theoretical knowledge in the practical fields. In this regard, I have selected the area of Packaging for my research study which carries a great concern in the present arena because in the last one and half decade the importance of packaging has been actualized immensely and by having packaging knowledge and designing skills, practically you can enhance your capabilities. Packaging has covered all the consumer tangible goods in order to create and enhance the marketing efforts. According to ââ¬Å"International Association of Packaging Research Institutesâ⬠IAPRI, the packaging technology has gone through a significant and fast exploitation in recent years, and globally the packaging material and machinery industry is estimated to be worth of $ 500 billion per year representing almost 1-2 % of the GDP industrialized country, and over 100, 00 packaging manufacturing companies have employed approx 5 million people to serve all packaging business manufacturers company 4. 1.3: Introduction to the topic: The topic for my research is ââ¬Å"A Survey on the Impact influence of FMCG food Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviorâ⬠in which we will try to explore the variables of packaging not only for the existing food products but for the new products too, which attracts consumer behavior and influence them to buy. 1.3.1: Importance of Packaging: Many researchers together with Price, Promotion, Placement and Product considers Packaging as a fifth ââ¬Å"Pâ⬠as a marketing tools, because they think that packaging is a face of a product which actually refers to the material that servers to contain, identify, describe, protect, display and promote a specific product. The main objectives of packaging are to keep the food in good condition until it is sold or have been consumed and to encourage the consumer to buy it again and again. Correct packaging is essential to achieve above given objectives. Yearly billion of pounds are spent on packaging food. 1.3.2: Functions of Packaging: There are many protecting functions and purposes of packaging that influence consumers to buy a particular product.The various functions of packaging can be divided into three main types: Primary, secondary and tertiary (additional Functions). Primary functions concerned with the technical nature of the product while the secondary and tertiary functions are related to communications. The Primary Functions of packaging are to protect and storage of a product from loss, damage or any kind of deterioration from environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, precipitation and solar radiation. i.e.; the durability of a package, because people wants material that will really protect the product they bought and something that can resist handling and shipping. The Secondary and Tertiary Functions of packaging are the sales, promotional, service and guarantee functions. The main intentions of sales function of package is to promote the sales processes and to make it more effective and efficient, therefore in designing a package promotional materials should be placed at right place, because it plays an important role to communicate about the product functions, features, and other informational elements. The various informational elements such as product features, manufacturing and expiry date, ingredients information, nutritional information, food labeling etc. provides the consumer with details about the contents and use of a particular product. Therefore these promotional materials should be properly placed on the package in order to attract the potential consumers attention and to have a positive impact on their buying behavior 5. 1.3.3: Consumer Buying Behavior: The other main concern of the study is to know about consumer buying behavior or consumer decisions making process and how packaging can influence them to buy a particular product. Marella in one of her articles about packaging defines consumer buying behavior as the process by which ââ¬Å"individuals search, select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their need and wantâ⬠. When consumers need to purchase something, they usually go for the brands which are trustworthy and try not to seek other products such as new products or the brand which they dont know at all 6. Therefore at the point of purchase what communicates or influence consumer to buy particular product is only ââ¬ËPackaging. Similarly quality judgments are significantly influence by the product characteristics reflected by the packaging because packaging acts as a communicator, and it underlines overall features and functions of a product that lies in it such as informational el ements, product features, material used etc. So if the package is well design and attractive enough, consumer will likely to buy it especially in the case of new products. So, it is important that products should be well and attractive packaged to gain consumer attention. 1.4: Purpose of the Study: Success of a product depends on developing a strong relationship with consumer through an affective and efficient synergetic marketing mix, in which ââ¬ËPackagingâ⬠is one of the main elements to influence because packaging is the language of a product which only communicate to the consumer without any interpreter and has an immense effect on purchase decision. Most Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) is low involvement products. In low involvement, ââ¬Å"consumers do not search extensively for information about the brands, evaluate their characteristics, and make a weighty decision on which brand to buyâ⬠, and as packaging plays an important role in success of a brand and on a retail shelf it is the last opportunity to influence the consumer to buy, so the main purpose of this research, so this study will be conducted with an idea of knowing the impact influence of packaging on the purchase decision of FMCG food products, which are mostly consumed frequently and also to know the experiences of the ultimate consumers about packaging. The research study is basically conducted to apply my theoretical knowledge of marketing in the practical field of professionals by interviewing different consumers and to know their views and preferences towards the importance of food packaging. The objective of the research study will be focused on: To know consumer awareness about packaging. To examine the influence of existing and new FMCG food products packaging on consumer buying behavior. To examine consumer experience of purchasing packaged food products. To understand how packaging can influence them to purchase their decision powers To know whether a good and attractive packaging of FMCG food products can influence consumers to buy it or not? Beside this the research is the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelors of Business Administration and the submission to the Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar. 1.5: Methodology of the report: This study has been conducted with the following procedures: 1.5.1: Reading Articles Reading articles are the formation of the strongest foundation. For this research study I have been reading and looking at different articles and research studies both in libraries as well as through Internet and searching through digital libraries the literature of the my research study. 1.5.2: Questionnaires The data for my research study has been collected from a representative sample of 200 people, who are responsible for purchasing the household food products and are also the ultimate consumers of the packaged food products. The sample from population was derived from shoppers at different geographical areas of Peshawar. The questionnaire was initially put to pilot testing on 5 respondents for clarity and validity. Through the use of questions related to the study, the respondents were highly encouraged to express their opinions. The questionnaire comprised of few questions, grouped in five sections: Visual Impact, Brand Information, food labeling and nutrition information, and new products purchasing. The impact of these variables is analyzed in the Analysis section. Responses of the consumers have been converted to frequencies and percentages by using SPSS software through which I developed the Bar chart or Histogram in order to explain the degree of impact of mentioned variables on the purchase decision I have also used the Pie chart method in order to find the most influencing variable on the purchase decision. 1.6: Scope of the Study The Scope for my research study is limited to Peshawar city and the sample for my research has also been taken from the population of Peshawar city for collecting primary data. The market, which has been surveyed, is limited to the consumers in Peshawar region. The reader of this research report will be able to understand the preferences of consumers about the packaging especially the food packaging, because consumers are more connected to the food industry. And also they would be having better understanding that how packaging can influence consumers purchase decision? Besides, this research study will also show the knowledge and understanding of packaging features and roles in the marketing efforts and new demands from the packaging industries as far as consumers are concerned. 1.7: Limitations The first hurdle that I have faced is the unavailability of the secondary data about our local markets consumers therefore, in this stage I had the difficulty to find the relevant data as far as my study of research is concerned. Another limitation is the difficulty in collecting primary data in the market as I have used Questionnaire method but mostly respondents were not familiar about that how to understand and respond to a question being asked. Third limitation is time constraint, which is again a pressure on us to finalize the research report which might caused this research report be deficient in order to cover every aspect of my research study but still I made the best of it. 1.8: Sampling The study population comprised of 200 people who are the ultimate consumers of packaged food products. The sample has been drawn from supermarkets located in different geographical areas in Peshawar and also collected data from the respondents in the universities. For my studies I used stratified sampling method and judgment sampling method. I divide my sample into three main stratas like those males which got the purchasing power and do purchase regardless of the family members, second those female households which ultimately got the purchasing power, and lastly childrens. For childrens I used judgment sampling method. 1.9: Scheme of Report This report is organized in five main sections. Section 1 consists of one chapter that describes the introduction of the report, objectives and the purpose of the report. Section 2 consists of two chapters that constitute literature of this study and Different variables involved, respectively. Section 3 also consists of two chapters in which theoretical framework and nature of the research, i.e. research design has been describe. In Section 4 there is one chapter in which the data analysis has been done and the last Section, which is Section 5, consists of one chapter that mainly includes the Conclusion and Recommendations of this Research Study. References Cited: (1) Marketing Dictionary, Small Business Encyclopedia: Packaging, Web Link: (2) Peters-Texeira, A., Badrie, N. (2005). Consumers perception of food packaging in Trinidad, West Indies and its related impact on food choices. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 29(6), 508-514. Retrieved from E-Journals database. (3) M. Sehrawet and S.C. Kundu, (2007), ââ¬Å"Buying behavior of rural and urban consumers in India: the impact of packagingâ⬠, International Journal of Consumer Studies Vol:31, pp630-638 (4): Packaging Research: Background to Packaging, Online Available at: (5): Transport information System, Functions of Packaging. Online Availabale at: (6): Marella, Does product packaging significantly influence consumer buying behavior? Online Available at: Chapter 2 Literature Review Literature Review: 2.1 Introduction: This chapter presents the results of a comprehensive literature search in several aspects to this work. The prime objective of this literature survey is to identify those variables, which are involved in this research study about perception of food packaging, that how consumer perceive about food packaging in industry and how they are influence the purchase of consumer decision in choosing any FMCG food products. 2.2 Packaging Definition: Packaging can be defined as, ââ¬Å"All the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper of a productâ⬠. The container is called package. Packaging is a structure designed to contain a commercial food product, i.e. to make it easier and safer to transport, to protect the product against contamination or loss, degradation or damage and to produce a convenient way to dispense the product 1. Packaging also refers as a container, silent salesperson or a wrapper for a consumer product that assists a number of functions including protection and description of the product, contents and product marketing promotion. Creatively and innovatively designed packages actually add value to the product, if it meets a consumer need such as portion control, recyclability, tamper-proofing, child-proofing, easy-open, easy-store, easy-carry, and non breakability. The labels on packages such as informational elements, nutritional elements, ingredients elements, brand information are such type of important components of the packages which enhance the overall marketing mix and can support advertising claims, build brand identity, heighten name recognition, and optimize shelf space allocations. When designing a packaging, the monetary value to manufacture, shipment, and display the package must be efficiently calculated. However, regarding to the packaging size and shape, the package must be design in a way that if it is small, then it should be small enough to accommodate available shelf space and large enough to dissuade theft. Furthermore, creatively designed packages must highlights the benefits of the product and contain an adequate amount of product to keep the per unit price competitive 2.3 Packaging Evolution: In early times, Before the World War II, Packaging was primarily used and was often standardized to surround and protect products during storage, transportation, and distribution. The main role of packaging was to ensure the preservation and transportation of products and even for ease-of-use by the end consumer, but package design was typically left to technicians. However, After World War II, things were changed and companies became more interested in mass production and development of packaging and invest more in marketing and promotion tools as a means of alluring customers to purchase their products. As a result of which many manufacturers began to view packaging as an essential element of overall business marketing strategies to lure buyers. This industry revolution and increased attention to packaging concurred with socioeconomic changes that were taking place around the world and on other hand with passage of time the consumers were becoming better educated, as a result of which their expectations of product, packaging designs and their trust on them was increased as well. Therefore, consumer began to rely much more heavily on manufactured goods and processed food items. New technologies related to production, manufacturer, storage distribution, and preservatives led to a massive increase in the number and type of products and brands available in industrialized nations. Thus, packaging became a vital means of differentiating items and informing busy consumers. Packaging today, is regarded, as an essential part of a successful business practice. Package design became a marketing mix promotion tool, and as a new corporate cost-consciousness developed in response to increased competition, companies began to alter packaging techniques as a way to cut production, storage, and distribution expenses. Furthermore, marketers began to view packaging as a successful marketing tool to feat existing product lines by adding new items and to ticker new life into maturing product line 2. 2.4: Packaging Attributes: Food products brands use a range of packaging attributes, which comprises of packaging colors, packaging designs, shapes, messages, and symbols (Pinya Silayoi Mark Speece, Oct, 2004) 1. These attributes attracts and sustains the attention of consumers and help them to identify with the images presented. The importance of packaging design and the use of packaging as a vehicle for communication and branding are growing in packaged food competitive markets. Consumers intentions to purchase packaged products depend on the degree of extent to which consumers expect that the product will satisfy their need when they will consume it. But there are certain situations when they havent even heard about the products so much while entering into the stores, (especially in the case of new products) so the intentions to purchase that very particular product is basically determined by what is communicated at the point of sale. So, at the time of sale when the product is not familiar to the consumer, the only factor that attracts consumers to purchase is Packaging which is also called as Silent Salesperson. It acts as s silent salesperson and became a critical factor when the consumer decision making process is in progress, and how they perceive it depends upon the communication elements, which become the key factor to success for marketing strategies. Now to achieve that communication goal effectively and to optimize the potential of packaging, the marketers and the package designers must have to consider consumer perception point, their past experiences, their needs wants, and understand how packaging design layouts get consumers to notice the package and notice messages on the package and evaluate packaging design and labeling for their effectiveness in the communication effort because it is also important to notice that not all consumers evaluate the packaging in the same way. 2.5 Packaging Functions and Elements: Pinya Silayoi and Mark Speece (2004), defines the basic functions of packaging logistically and marketing by their role. The logistical function of packaging is mainly to protect the product from incidence of damage, spoilage or loss through theft or misplace goods during movement through the distribution channel. While in the context of marketing function, the packaging should be attractive enough and well design, so that it conveys the message of product attributes clearly. Now whatever the logical considerations of packaging, the marketing function of packaging attributes plays a vital role as a communicator and it is only the package that sells the product by attracting and communicating the consumers, and allows the product to be comprised, divvy up, unitized and protected. Quality judgments are largely influenced by product charactertics reflected by packaging, because packages overall features can underline the uniqueness and originality of the product. If the packaging attributes communicates high quality, consumers assume that the product is of high quality. However if the package symbolizes or communicates low quality, consumers transfer this low quality perception to the product itself. So the packaging acts as communicator and communicates favorable or unfavorable implied meaning about the product. Mark Speece (2004) suggests that consumers are more likely to spontaneously imagine aspects of how a product looks tastes, feels, smells, or sounds while they are viewing a product picture on the package. A review of the above literature indicates that there are mainly four packaging elements potentially affecting consumer purchase decisions. They can be separated into two categories; visual and informational elements. The visual elements consist of graphics, images size and shape of packaging. Informational elements relate to product information and information about the technologies used in the package. However the product information can further be categorized into food labeling, ingredients information, nutrition information, usage detail, and manufacturers / company details, manufacturing and expiry information etc. 2.6: Variables of Packaging: 2.6.1: Visual Elements: Graphics and Color: The implication of graphics is explained by the images created on the product. Graphics designs are visual presentations which include layout, color combinations, typography, and product photography all of which create a positive and distinctive image. For consumers, the package is the product, and different consumers respond to different packages in different ways depending on their involvement level (Silayoi Speece, 2004). For low involvement products, such as FMCG, where initial impressions formed during initial contact can have lasting impact and where evaluation of attributes is less important in decision making, here then a highly noticeable factor such as graphics and colors becomes more important (Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999) (3). On the other hand, the behavior of consumers towards high involvement products is mostly influenced by image issues. For low involvement, there is a strong impact on consumer decision making from the development of the market through marketing com munications, including image building (Kupiec and Revell, 2001). (4) Placement of Visual Impact Elements Matters: In packaging layouts, the placement of visual elements also plays an important role for consumer psyche, because a psychic research of Rettie and Brewer, (2000) (5) indicates that brain laterality results in an asymmetry in the perception of elements in packaging designs. The recall of package elements/attributes is likely to be influenced by their lateral pass position on the package, as well as by other usually recognized factors, such as font color, font size and font style. Research shows that for verbal stimuli recall is better when the copy is on the right-hand side of the package, and better for non-verbal stimuli when it is on the left-hand side. This may imply that, in order to maximize consumers recall, pictorial elements, such as product photography, typography, it should be positioned on the left-hand side of the package. Grossman and Wisenblit (1999) (6), says in their research that consumers also learn color associations, which lead them to prefer certain colors for certain product categories. For a unique particular brand, using color as a clue on packaging can nurture a potentially strong association. However people in different cultures are exposed to different colors and according their own culture they develop different color preferences. So as a marketer, color consideration should be the part of their marketing strategies and by keeping in mind the color consideration according to people perception in different culture, colors of a particular logo, package or product design should be done after a thorough understanding of color association according to culture. Packaging Size and Shape: Silayoi and Speece, (2004) states that in packaging, the other visual elements such as size and shape are also important in consideration. Package size, shape and elongation also affect consumer judgments and considerations. Consumers use these things as simplifying visual heuristics to make volume judgments. They generally perceive more elongated packages to be larger. In case of sizes, especially for generic products, different sizes of packages may appeal to consumer with different involvement level. Usually generic products are packaged in larger sizes, which communicate to consumers who are specifically looking for good deals. So, this implies that when the product quality is hard to determine, as with generics, the packaging size effect is important. Thus elongating the shape, within acceptable bound, should result in consumer thinking of the package as better value for money also conceivably affect perceived volume. 2.6.2: Informational Elements Product Information Product information includes information elements, such as food labeling, nutrition information, health information, ingredients information, manufactures date, expiry date. In high involvement level, the behavior of consumers toward product characterized is less influenced by image issues, graphical and visual response, in such cases consumer seeks product information which is one of the important packaging functions to communicate. (Kupiec and Revell, 2001; Silayoi and Speece, 2004). (7) Written information on the package can assists consumers in making their decisions carefully as they consider product characteristics. Package layout is important for information presentation. Food labeling is considered as significant information on packaging and a recent study shows that 90 percent of the consumers trends towards healthier eating have highlighted the importance of labeling, which also allows consumers the opportunity to cautiously consider alternatives and make informed food choices. However, packaging information can create confusion by conveying either too much misleads the inaccurate information. Manufacturers and package designers often use very small fonts and very dense writing styles to pack extensive information on the label, which lead to poor readability and sometimes confusion. As confusion can affect consumer decision quality, So Mitchell and Papavassiloiu (1999) (8), suggests that consumer confusion of information overload can be reduced by narrowing down their choice sets, because by reducing their choice alternatives and evaluation attributes decreases the probability that they will be confused by excessive choice and information overload. This strategy could also be applied to more experience consumers, because loyal consumers potentially look fewer brand alternatives. So, it is the experience which makes consumer more selectively perspective and restrict the scope of their choices. Hughes (1998) (9), in one of his journals grabs the attention towards involvement level, that sometimes involvement level reflects the extent of personal relevance of the individuals personal goals, basic values and self concept. If the product does not stimuli much interest, consumers do not give much attention to it. High involvement level shows more personal relevance. In general, consumer acquisition of low involvement products is often done without carefully examining brand and product information. This lack of commitment suggests that information on the package would carry relatively less value in such cases. On the other hand, more highly involved consumers evaluate message information more carefully, relying on the message to form their attitudes and purchase intentions (Silayoi and Speece, 2004). Packaging Technology Packaging for the FMCG food products in market plays a vital role in promoting the product to the customer, as well as carrying informative and legislative detail. Combining these roles requires commercial awareness, detailed knowledge of the relevant technologies, creative image care and consideration of the effect of colors, typography, photography that must support the product or brand. Design and technology of packaging decoration for the users market guides you through the technical and commercial factors to consider when planning the decoration, or label, of a package (10). Technology is basically somewhat related to the informational elements, because packaging technology conveys informational messages such as nutrition, health, ingredients which is linked to the consumer life style, so the technology of packaging development that constrained in the message communicated through technology must fulfill consumers need criteria. Consumers are even often prepared to pay slightl
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