Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wendigo: Cannibalism in Native American Folklore

Wendigo Cannibalism in Native American Folklore Connor Downie EN156-01: Mythology Professor Quinn 30March13 Lurking in the deep woods of the Northern United States and Southern Canada lies a mysterious and fearsome Native American monster, the Wendigo. The Wendigo is by far one of the most mysterious and feared monsters in not only in the Algonquian folklore which it is attributed to, but also other indigenous populations all over the world.Although this creature goes by many names in the Native American Tribes, including Wechuge (Athapaskan Beaver), Windigo (Algonkian), Witiko (Sekani), Wittikow (Cree), Wintuc (Lenape), Wintiko (Objibwa), and others, it is represented in the folklore of many cultures. For the sake of simplicity, the term Wendigo (Woodland Cree) will be used throughout this paper. Native Americans lived in harmony with the land around them, and their legends and stories showed the necessity to preserve that harmony, and the consequences of failing to do such.The stor y and idea behind the Wendigo is no exception to this; being an â€Å"unnatural† and dysfunctional part of life. This paper will observe and analyze the role of the Wendigo in Native American legend as well as the effect that it had on, not only the Natives Americans, but those who came into contact and studied the tribes. The Wendigo According to legend, a Wendigo is neither a man nor non-human, but rather something in between.A fully transformed Wendigo is most often described as a giant creature standing between eight and thirty feet tall, possessing incredible strength and speed, large claws and a body that looks like a skeleton with ash-toned skin. However, in any stage of transformation, it is most easily identified by its ravenous and continuous hunger for human flesh (Atwood 84). A Wendigo’s hunger is believed to be so insatiable that one of first things it consumes is its own lips (Carlson 359). For Native Americans, encountering a Wendigo, whether by accident or on purpose, could e the last mistake you ever make. You cannot outrun or outwit a Wendigo; and according to most stories, you are unable to talk or plead with the creature due to the fact it has lost the capacity for human speech after a long period of isolation (Atwood 84). However, that does not mean they are intelligent. The amount of time they have spent alone in forced isolation has made them the perfect hunter. They do not pursue their victims with inchoate frenzy but rather use superior cunning and an advanced knowledge of their game's desires and weaknesses.They hunt people with the cultural strategy and intelligence that people use to hunt animals (Ridington 110). Their hunting skills are only amplified by their extreme elusiveness and ability to survive in the harshest of climates. They are the epitome of everything to be afraid of in the woods. The original Wendigos can be found in the Pawnee creation myth, as the creatures that came before the Pawnee and were destroy ed by the Creator Tirdwa. â€Å"The men of the present era were not the original inhabitants of the earth.They were preceded by another race – people of great size and strength. These were so swift of foot, and so powerful, that they could easily run down and kill the buffalo†¦ The race of giants had no respect for the Ruler. On the contrary, they derided and insulted him in every way possible. When the sun rose, or when it thundered and rained, they would defy him. They had great confidence in their own powers, and believed that they were able to cope with the Creator. As they increased in numbers they grew more defiant, and at length became so bad that Tirdwa determined to destroy them.This he attempted to do at first by shooting the lightning at them; but the bolts glanced aside from their bodies without injuring them. When he found that they could not be killed by that means, he sent a great rain, which destroyed them by drowning (Grinnell 122). According to legend, a few of these giants managed to escape the flood and the Wendigos managed to survive. As the Creator made the new species of man, the original Pawnee, these giants shrunk back into the wilderness, emerging only occasionally to feed on the unsuspecting human.There are two kinds of Wendigos, Non-Human and Human. The first human Wendigo is sometimes said to have been a man who, driven mad by hunger and snow blindness, mistook his family for a group of beavers, killed and ate them (Smith 68). Human Wendigos do not always take on the traditional described appearance unless they are exposed to the severe isolation required to drive the person mad. Most human Wendigos mostly retain their human features, and instead only experience the desire for loneliness and a craving for human flesh.Also common to stories, both in legend and those recorded by persons studying native tribes, was the belief that a person transforming into a Wendigo had lost permanent control over their own actions and t hat the only possible solution is death (Ridington 108). Many people, fearing that they would bring harm to their family, begged for death rather than face a full transformation. Human Wendigos, although powerful, can be killed by dismemberment and the burning the remains to prevent the evil spirit from ever returning to the earth (Atwood 85).In the majority of stories that result in the death of a Wendigo, that Wendigo was at one time a human. Other traditional cures involved the consumption of copious amounts of hot grease from sources such as bear fat, melted deer tallow, and sturgeon oil (Atwood 85). Non-Human Wendigos are seen as the original Wendigos that were around before the first humans. These creatures are considered to be much more powerful than their human counterparts, and were able to inhabit and attack the dreams of their victims. These creatures rarely appear in legends, but rather are blamed for the actions of a possessed person.Killing a non-human Wendigo was not easy and stories celebrated the bravery of those who acted as bait in Wendigo traps. Algonquians often had great battles and had to employ the help of shamans (Podruchny 690). It is important to note that non-human Wendigos are considered by Native Americans to be Otherworldly, and on the same degree as the spirits that inhabit the spirit world alongside the Creator. Origins and Folklore The earliest reference to Wendigo occurs as an entry in the Powhatan dictionary appended to Strachey's Historie of Travell into Virginia Britania.The original word was wintekowa, meaning â€Å"owl† in Algonquian. For many natives, especially member of the Cree Nation, Owl calls were precursors of the deaths of individuals, and thus owls were seen as the sign of a coming Wendigo. Owls, like Wendigos, are formidable predators and possess large glistening eyes, and therefore became synonymous with the same (Brightman 341). The word Wendigo itself is derived from the Cree word wihtikowiw, meaning â€Å"he eats greedily†, which may explain the reason why ost believed to be Wendigos were isolated from the community before they consumed everything the community had. Native American Tribes lived in harmony with the land and the creatures around them. All tribes believed that upsetting the natural order of the world would cause severe disarray and eventually would lead to the destruction of the world. To counter this, hunters and gatherers would take only what they needed, waste nothing, and praise the creator for allowing them to be worthy to take such.Animals were held in high regard, not only for their gifts of food, clothing, and other materials, but also for the powers endowed upon them by the creator. Eating the flesh of an animal was said to transmit to persons, under appropriate circumstances, desired attributes of the species. For example, raw moose blood is said to impart onto the hunter a kind of invisibility relative to the perceptions of game animals, thus al lowing the hunter greater luck in the successful hunting of animals due to his increased stealthy abilities (Brightman 364).Like the flesh of any other animal, human flesh was believed to possess a Great Spirit power that is acquired through consumption of the tissue or organs. Eating human flesh would exacerbate the powers already present in the human consumer; endowing the Wendigo physical and spiritual abilities to overcome and eat human prey. In essence, a human’s abilities were multiplied and would eventually cause them to expand out of control and transform the person into a Wendigo (Brightman 364).The Wendigo often appears in stories in legends, but unlike most other mythical creatures, its purpose was less to teach moral values, and more to impart upon members of a community the consequences from straying from the natural order of life and defiance of the rules of the community. There are three kinds of stories in which a Wendigo is a part of. The first kind of story, involves a Wendigo which may be presented as a manifestation of the environment; the spirit is a spirit of place. In these stories, meeting up with a Wendigo carries no more moral weight than meeting up with a bear.If you get eaten, about all that can be said of you is that you ought to have been less unlucky (Atwood 86). In the second kind of story, a Wendigo appears as a warning or as a message to the protagonist. In these stories, if you get eaten by a Wendigo, the audience doesn’t feel sorry for you, because it was your own fault for getting eaten. These stories served to send the message that if you behaved and followed the rules like you were supposed to, such a thing would never happen to you (Atwood 86).The third kind of story the Wendigo is a fragment of the protagonist's psyche, and represents part of their subconscious that is made public to teach a lesson. In these stories, human beings who have â€Å"become a Wendigo † have not actually transformed, but i n fact worried so much that the creature they have feared or dreamed about splits off from the rest of their personality, destroys it, and becomes manifested through the person’s body (Atwood 86). These were used to teach lessons in regards to gluttony, loneliness, and other behaviors seen by natives to be unnatural and destructive.Wendigo stories express the danger and isolation of living in the subarctic wilderness as well as taboos against cannibalism (Ferrara 77). The Wendigo was seen as the personification of winter, hunger, spiritual selfishness, and isolation (Atwood 85). Winter is a time of scarcity in both food and warmth, and was considered by the natives to be one of the most necessary times for a community to band together to survive the harshness. A scarcity of materials would give rise to hunger; forcing people to either share what they had with each other for the good of the group, or hoard what they had for their own sakes.The choice to hoard, and act of selfi shness, was seen as an act of defiance not only against a group, but the Creator himself. The penalty for such a choice was being ostracized and isolated from the remainder of the community, and in some cases, death. Transformation According to lore, there are four recorded ways to be transformed into a Wendigo, either human or non-human. Most methods of transformation include large amounts of stress or pain, both mental and physical, and a long transformation period that may not occur all at once.In order to become a non-human Wendigo, one must either be born a Wendigo, or be eaten by a Wendigo. Although an individual Wendigo may once have been a man or a woman, once fully transformed they no longer have any evidence of gender (Atwood 84). Because of this, there is no recorded lore of Wendigos ever giving birth to new Wendigos, other than the Pawnee origins legend in regards to Wendigos inhabiting the world before man. Because of this, most non-human Wendigos are said to be the ori ginals that have survived for hundreds of years. The other method is to be eaten by a Wendigo and have our now â€Å"evil spirit† enter the otherworld. A person suffering this fate becomes the Native equivalent of a Demon and possesses humans through dreams and thoughts. Thoughts of the Wendigo are said to drive a person mad with anxiety about becoming a Wendigo, to the point that they give in to the desires to consume other people (Ferrara 79). Native Shamans were notorious in legends for using their ability to communicate with the spirits in order to send one of these creatures into the dreams of another, thus tormenting them with the thought of being transformed.To become a human Wendigo is much worse a fate than a non-human Wendigo. To become such, a human must either consume human flesh, or be bitten by a Wendigo. The reason for the consumption of human flesh is irrelevant, as soon as it passes your lips, you fate is essentially sealed. Legends of this kind of transforma tion speak of people starving from a lack of food, who eventually give in to the desire for food and eat their companions or family members. Like the stories of the Loup Garou or French word for werewolf, a Wendigo bite served as another way for one to be transformed into one of these creatures.However, unlike werewolves, a human was unable to transform back into a human once the transformation had begun (Podruchny 681). Both being bitten and the consumption of human flesh was said to not be instantaneous but rather a lengthy process, signaled by a period of strange emotions and behaviors by the possessed person that served as a series of warnings to others (Ferrara 79). The Wendigo in Reality In 1767, Alexander Henry observed an Ojibwa man who had killed and eaten four relatives during a food crisis. Henry recorded the actions of the tribe in his journal. The Indians entertain an opinion that the man who has once made human flesh his food will never afterwards be satisfied with any other†¦ He ate with relish nothing that was given to him but, indifferent to the food prepared, fixed his eyes continually on the children which were in the Indian lodge, and frequently exclaimed, ‘How fat they are! ’†¦ Be this as it may, his behavior was considered, and not less naturally, as marked with the most alarming symptoms; and the Indians, apprehensive that he would prey on these children, resolved on putting him to death (Brightman 348). The tribe was so scared of the unnaturalness of the man’s actions that they had him killed. Not unlike the Salem Witch Trials, those suspected of being a Wendigo were given little or no chance to defend themselves. They were immediately outcast from the group and treated like they were infected with some sort of disease. In many cases, acts of cannibalism were not actually witnessed, but rather reported by the suspected individual or other persons, or didn’t even occur at all. In seventy cases reporte d, 44 involved an actual act of cannibalism.In 26 cases, or 37 percent the potential Wendigo either recovered or was killed to prevent cannibalism (Rohrl 98). Around the time of Freud, psychologists began to analyze the stories and multiple cases regarding the Wendigo. Many noted that the common link between most cases was a psychological weakness and breakdown of the normally functioning personality (Ridington 107). From these psychologists, emerged the term â€Å"Wendigo Psychosis† which was used to describe the mental state of persons suspected or convicted of being a Wendigo.People suspected of suffering from this were often described as being â€Å"Bushed† or suffering from â€Å"Cabin Fever† (Atwood 87). For most, in order to reach such a breakdown of mind required large amounts of time spent apart from others, usually in harsh or near fatal conditions. The compulsive desire and craving for human flesh that appears in many of the Wendigo cases may point to a psychotic breakdown of normal emotions, motivations, and satisfactions in people who kill or are killed as cannibal monsters.However, unlike many other psychotic breakdowns, Wendigo behavior it is believed to be genuine and real by the members of society as well as by the afflicted individual (Ridington 128). More recently however, another possible reason for the actions of those believed to be Wendigos was uncovered, a lack of proper diet. Meat, and especially fatty meat, is essential to the diet of the Eskimo and of Northern Athapaskan Indians. Researchers claimed that a fat deficiency could lead to headache, and, in four to eight weeks, ultimately death (Rohrl 100).Was the reason for the actions of some not necessarily motivated by extreme hunger, but rather a lack of proper nutrition? It has been demonstrated that a drop in the blood sugar level can lead to many psychic phenomena, including depressive states, anxiety, and â€Å"other symptoms that have been lumped together a s ‘neuroses (Rohrl 100). The accepted conclusion is that although persons suffering from Wendigo Psychosis have experienced a large amount of mental stress, the fearsome creature itself does not in fact exist.Like many other mythological creatures, the Wendigo was placed in Native American legend to explain things that the natives could not understand at the time, and to enforce the rules of the community. Psychologist Lou Marano ultimately went further in a 1982 article stating that Wendigos had never existed, at least as people overcome by cannibal desires. Instead, he adopted a functionalist interpretation (influenced by scholarship on the Salem Witch trials), arguing that the Wendigo was a phenomenon that allowed Algonquians to kill the marginal, the mentally ill, and the unpopular (Smallman 575).Works Cited Atwood, Margret. â€Å"Cannibal Lecture. † Saturday Night 110. 9 (1995): 81-90. JSTOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. Brightman, Robert A. â€Å"The Windigo in the Materia l World. † Ethnohistory 35. 4 (1988): 337-79. JSTOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. Carlson, Nathan D. â€Å"Reviving Witiko (Windigo): An Ethnohistory of â€Å"Cannibal Monsters† in the Athabasca District of Northern Alberta, 1878–1910. † Ethnohistory 56. 3 (2009): 355-94. JSTOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. Ferrara, Nadia, and Guy Lanoue. â€Å"The Self in Northern Canadian Hunting Societies: ‘Cannibals' and Other ‘Monsters' as Agents of Healing. Anthropologica 46. 1 (2004): 69-83. JSTOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. Grinnell, George Bird. â€Å"Pawnee Mythology. † Journal of American Folklore 6. 21 (1893): 113-30. JSTOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. Podruchny, Carolyn. â€Å"Werewolves and Windigos: Narratives of Cannibal Monsters in French-Canadian Voyageur Oral Tradition. † Ethnohistory 51. 4 (2004): 677-700. Project Muse. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. Rohrl, Vivian J. â€Å"A Nutritional Factor in Windigo Psychosis. † American Anthropologist ns 72. 1 (1970): 97-101. JS TOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. Ridington, Robin. Wechuge and Windigo: A Comparison of Cannibal Belief among Boreal Forest Athapaskans and Algonkians. † Anthropologica ns 18. 2 (1976): 107-29. JSTOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. Smallman, Shawn. â€Å"Spirit Beings, Mental Illness, and Murder: Fur Traders and the Windigo in Canada’s Boreal Forest, 1774 to 1935. † Ethnohistory 57. 4 (2010): 371-95. Duke Journals. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. . Smith, Theresa S. and Fiore, Jill M. â€Å"Landscape as Narrative, Narrative as Landscape. † Studies in American Indian Literatures 22. 4 (2010): 58-80. JSTOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Aesthetic Education Essay

Friedrich Schiller wrote Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man in 1793 for his friend the Danish Prince Friedrich Christian who had provided him with a stipend to help him through an illness. In 1795 the letters were published and the provide a worthwhile consideration of the nature of Aesthetics for us still today. The collection of twenty seven letters is not an easy read but it is worth persevereing to gain the insights of this great poet and playwright, friend of Goethe and inspiration for Beethoven and many artists, particularly in the Romantic era. The book touches upon a broad range of topics, some of which you do not normally associate with aesthetics. However the letters do consider the nature of Beauty and its relationship to art and man. For Schiller beauty seems to arise as a synthesis between opposing principles â€Å"whose highest ideal is to be sought in the most perfect possible union and equilibrium of reality and form†(Letter XVI, p 81). Schiller also discusses the nature of the ideal man and how the impulse for play interacts with man’s nature, especially his rational and sensuous aspects which form a juxtaposition within him. This juxtaposition is discussed at length with a synthesis described in terms that suggest a transcendance that culminates in our very humanity (Letters 18-20). Man and his nature is important to Schiller as his reason, but â€Å"The first appearance of reason in Man is not yet the beginning of his humanity. The latter is not decided until he is free,† (Letter XXIV, p 115). Through discussion of the work of art and the fine arts Schiller brings us closer to a conception of what art means to man and how important â€Å"Homo Ludens† is as a conception of man. Schiller admired classical Greece and its art and saw the role of history and freedom important in the discussion of the nature of art. Above all both as a poet and a thinker Schiller held the ideal of freedom to be sacrosanct. According to Schiller, freedom is attained when the sensual and rational in man are fully integrated but his aesthetic disposition is seen as coming from Nature. These letters provide a rich vein of ideas from which the thoughtful and attentive reader may find inspiration in consideration of the aesthetics and the nature of the work of art. Friedrich Schiller menulis Surat Pendidikan Estetika Manusia pada tahun 1793 untuk rakan Christian Friedrich Putera Denmark yang telah disediakan dengan wang saku untuk membantu beliau sakit. Pada tahun 1795 surat telah diterbitkan dan memberi pertimbangan berbaloi sifat Estetika untuk kita masih hari ini. Koleksi 27 surat tidak read mudah tetapi ia adalah bernilai persevereing untuk mendapatkan pandangan penyair dan pengarang drama hebat ini, rakan Goethe dan inspirasi untuk Beethoven dan ramai artis, terutamanya di era Romantik. Buku ini menyentuh kepada pelbagai topik, ada yang anda tidak lakukan biasanya bersekutu dengan estetika. Walau bagaimanapun, surat mempertimbangkan sifat Kecantikan dan hubungannya dengan seni dan manusia. Untuk kecantikan Schiller nampaknya timbul sebagai sintesis antara prinsip lawan â€Å"yang tertinggi sesuai perlu dicari dalam kesatuan mungkin yang paling sempurna dan keseimbangan realiti dan bentuk† (Surat XVI, p 81). Schiller juga membincangkan sifat manusia yang ideal dan bagaimana dorongan untuk permainan berinteraksi dengan alam semula jadi, manusia terutamanya aspek rasional dan sensasi yang membentuk saling bertindih dalam dirinya. Saling bertindih ini dibincangkan dengan panjang lebar dengan sintesis diterangkan dari segi yang mencadangkan transcendance yang memuncak dalam kemanusiaan kita (Huruf 18-20). Manusia dan alam adalah penting untuk Schiller sebagai alasan beliau, tetapi â€Å"Kemunculan pertama sebab dalam Man tidak lagi permulaan kemanusiaan. Terakhir ini tidak memutuskan sehingga dia adalah percuma,† (Surat XXIV, ms 115). Melalui perbincangan kerja seni dan seni halus Schiller membawa kita lebih dekat kepada konsep apa yang seni ertinya kepada manusia dan betapa pentingnya â€Å"Ludens Homo† adalah seperti konsep manusia. Schiller dikagumi klasik Greece dan seni dan melihat peranan sejarah dan kebebasan penting dalam perbincangan yang bersifat seni. Atas semua kedua-dua sebagai penyair dan pemikir Schiller diadakan ideal kebebasan untuk menjadi boleh dipertikaikan. Menurut Schiller, kebebasan dicapai apabila sensual dan rasional dalam manusia bersepadu sepenuhnya tetapi pelupusan estetik beliau dilihat sebagai datang dari Alam. Surat ini menyediakan darah yang kaya dengan idea-idea dari mana pembaca yang bernas dan penuh perhatian boleh mencari inspirasi dalam pertimbangan estetik dan sifat kerja seni. PENDAPAT NO 2: Although this type of reading can be challenging for the modern reader, I thoroughly enjoyed this thought-provoking book. If you enjoy philosophy and subscribe to a personal philosophy that an appreciation of beauty and learning through play are valuable, Schiller will appeal to you. Walaupun ini jenis membaca boleh mencabar bagi pembaca moden, saya telitimenikmati buku ini memprovokasi pemikiran. Jika kita menikmati falsafah dan melanggan kepada falsafah peribadi bahawa menghargai kecantikan dan pembelajaranmelalui permainan adalah berharga, Schiller akan merayu kepada kita. PENDAPAT NO 3:SUMMARY A generic summary of the argument in Friedrich Schiller’s Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man would be: in order for a person to become a moral and rational being she must pass through an aesthetic education in which she harmonizes with herself and thus becomes Free to exercise her rational will univocally. The passage often quoted as a summation of Schiller’s major theme in this work is: â€Å"It is through Beauty that we arrive at Freedom. † This passage, since I first encountered it, has been one of the few essential thoughts I carry with me through life. My superficial knowledge of Schiller, through only this famous quote and the above general argument, has had a disproportionate effect on me. When Conor Heaton, a friend from Chicago, recommended Schiller’s Letters to me, I was thrilled for the opportunity to read the entirety of the work and to test my own personalized version of the idea against Schiller’s initial conception. Schiller, a German Romantic dramatist, poet, and essayist, wrote his Letters during the height of France’s Reign of Terror. Like so many other Romantic thinkers across the globe, Schiller cried for joy at the French Revolution’s liberation of the human spirit. But, like artists and thinkers generations before and after him, Schiller suffered great disappointment in the aftermath of the revolution when power and fear destroyed the ideals of Justice and Freedom that had sparked the revolution. In some ways his argument stems from the idea that if the revolutionaries were perfectly educated in the ideas of aesthetics they would have been able to escape their own power struggles and thus have been able to create a Just and Free French State. Instead, the French Revolutionaries, whose only education on and exposure to government came from the monarch they so despised, exponentially replicated the atrocities of the very kind they dethroned. In doing so they turned the country into an irrational, immoral mess. It is a theme not isolated to 1790’s France, and though Schiller was influenced by the events of his time, he is also picking up an ambitious argument first articulated in the Western tradition two thousand years before his time. The idea of an aesthetic education as essential to a moral and rational life was originally Plato’s. In setting out to create the ideal civilization in his Republic, Plato’s characters conclude that banning books and particular artists (including Homer) will be necessary to ensure that young men are properly trained to appreciate Beauty. Plato’s characters felt that scenes from The Iliad about conniving and jealous gods were bad influences on young men, who may look to the gods as examples. And works that espoused ideas or styles that did not create the harmony in the soul essential to becoming a fully realized Moral man were not worthy of being taught. While laying the groundwork for regarding Beauty as essential to the human experience, Plato also put forward the first argument for censorship. (If one finds themselves scoffing at this idea or comparing Plato to Hitler, it may be wise to remember that a major component of America’s current education system assumes that those being educated cannot decipher the language and tone of Huckleberry Finn without intolerable harm, or read of Holden Caulfield’s rampant moral downfall and sexual escapades without falling into decadence, and that 12 year olds cannot be closer than 100 yards from a condom without instigating rampant uncontrolled sexual orgies. Plato’s excuse is that he didn’t have the benefit of thousands of years of education research proving his instincts incorrect.) Schiller never grounds his ideas by discussing or suggesting particular texts that may be suitable for an aesthetic education. His tendency to speak in shifting abstractions has cost him a more prominent position in the greater philosophical tradition. But if The Aesthetic Education of Man is read as it was written – as an artist trying to convince the world that Art and Beauty are essential to a Free and Moral civilization – then it is a wonderful and essential work whose philosophical consistency is far less important than its general spirit. Schiller’s argument itself is also only a small component of why this text is so engaging. He never stops reaching. His every sentence embodies the Romantic belief that truth, pure Truth, is at our fingertips, and with persistence It can be held in our palms. His style fluctuates between art and philosophy. Schiller has no fear of spreading his ideas, and his grandiose style represents perfectly the abundance of thought that was flowing out of Romantic Germany during his lifetime. He makes grand and provocative historical claims: â€Å"The Romans, we know, had first to exhaust their strength in civil wars . . . before we see Greek art triumphing over the rigidity of their character . . . And among the Arabs too the light of culture never dawned until the vigor of their warlike spirit had relaxed (58). † He states complex ideas in beautiful little statements: â€Å"We know that Man is neither exclusively matter nor exclusively spirit. Beauty, therefore, [is:] the consummation of this humanity (77). † And there is much more beyond this in Schiller’s Letters. He propounds a theory of Beauty and just how it can harmonize mankind and allow moral and rational men to flourish, and so on.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Food inquiry Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Food inquiry - Movie Review Example She always does the best editing job that will always be appealing to the public and she has edited the annual Best Food Writing series since the year 2000. She is the author of Frommer’s 500 Places for Food and Wine Lovers. The last year 2012 review was her twelfth year of the Best Food Writing series and is an enjoyable anthology of all times. There were contributors like John T. Edge, an accomplished author, Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen, one of the most popular bloggers, amongst other several levels of notoriety. One can easily appreciate her writing styles and skills, the diversity of topics and sources that are incorporated in her collection which provides a rich, complete and captivating representation of the best food writing scenario. There are many pieces in the Best Food Writing that are from popular books like Tomato land, A Spoonful of Promises, An Everlasting Meal amongst others. She has also incorporated pieces from New York Times, popular food magazines like Food and Wine. There are also very interesting pieces from non-traditional food writing sources which are incorporated in her collection. There is a variety of contributions whose approach ranges from light-hearted to serious and part of these are Maureen O’Hagan’s topic of Childhood Obesity as she focuses on two obese teens, giving a clear perspective on junk food and effects of overeating among the population. Joel Stein writes hilarious food reflections and entertains as he reveals in his piece how he found his manhood through barbecue, Kevin Pang’s story of an upcoming chef, Brandon Baltzeley, who struggles with the addiction of cocaine, and David Leite writes about his thanksgiving baking catastrophes. This series has always included many online writers over the years into its page and giving credit as well as recognizing authors who mainly digitally publish their work. Pieces like those of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Forum7 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Forum7 - Article Example To sum up, if information technology is used for intended purposes, e.g. to aid electioneering process, and promote quality of service, government may enjoy it to the fullest. Sure! This is a fact and is happening in the field. Although IT has been useful in making work precise, faster and presentable, some elements have been compromised. For instance, the integrity of the information relayed has been â€Å"transformed† to suit that suit the occasion. In most organization, they are tempted to ‘overuse’ the services and end up spending too much time that could otherwise be spent wisely. In fact, information is transmitted without the conscience of the quality of the message. At the end, the organization may waste a lot of resources which cannot be accounted. In the same manner, most people have realized the gap that exists between organizations and the dynamics in IT field. They do shoddy work to increase chances of recurrent breakdowns or updates. Organizations adopting any form of technology should plan well how it should

Saturday, July 27, 2019

None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17

None - Essay Example This is the only reason why the US has increased the use of sonar in the West Coast. The environmental groups have been very disturbed by the use of sonar and they want the US to stop disturbing the marine life and especially the Whales. The sound waves emitted during a sonar operation disturbs almost all the marine creatures, this has serious repercussions on dolphins and Whales. The dwindling of dolphins and whales is primarily because of such sonar operations carried by the US time and time again. It is high time to stop this as there are clear evidences that prove that the dwindling is all because of such sonar operations carried out by the US. The harmful noise emitted by the sonar directly affects the eardrums of the marine mammals and this in turn alters their diving habits resulting in their premature death. There are several other proofs that show that sonar operations harm the marine mammals and therefore it is high time to stop all such operations that harm marine mammals. The rapid depletion of Whales is a major cause of worry for all the people across the globe. It is our responsibility to safeguard the interest of every living organism and we have certainly failed in doing so time and time again. The Whale stock is being over exploited time and time again and the same is leading to dwindling of Whales. In the year 1931 as many as 22 nations signed the Geneva Convention to bring Whaling under control but this has not been done even to date. This treaty was modified with new protocols in the year 1938 and 1945 and the same served as a platform for International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling signed in the US in the year 1946. An International Whaling commission was established in order to safeguard the Whales. The dwindling of Whales could not have been solved with a better way than establishing a separate entity to safeguard

Friday, July 26, 2019

Engineering Environmental Sustainability- Take Home FINAL EXAM Assignment

Engineering Environmental Sustainability- Take Home FINAL EXAM - Assignment Example been subjected to uniform surcharge of 50kPa applied on the surface of soil deposit, which was later removed causing both the sand and clay layers in the current states to be over consolidated. For a 15-m- long, 500-mm drilled shaft and a geometrically identical closed-end steel pipe pile, calculate (a) the shaft capacity due to the clay layer ( divide the clay into ten sub layers of equal thickness in your calculations), (b) The shaft capacity due to the sand layer, (c) the total shaft capacity, (d) the ultimate base capacity, (e)the ultimate load capacity of the pile, (f) the allowable load based on a suitable factor of safety (without consideration of the strength of the pile cross-section), and (g) the allowable load if the compressive strength of the concrete is 15 MPa. Let us first divide the clay layer into 10 sub layers. The current vertical effective stress at each layer and past maximum vertical effective stress for each sub layer can be calculated from given data. The allowable axial load for the drilled shaft from geotechnical consideration is less than the allowable structural load, so, integrity of the cross section is not a concern. Therefore, the final allowable load of drilled shaft is obtained as We can now calculate the fundamental soil properties (undrained shear strength for clay and relative density for the sand layers.) Let us first calculate undrained shear strength of the clay layers. Following

Modern and Post-Modern Views of a Great Company Research Paper

Modern and Post-Modern Views of a Great Company - Research Paper Example The company selected for this assignment is General Dynamics Information Technology. It is the IT wing of General Dynamics and the world’s 5th largest defense contractor, provides information technology (IT) services, professional services and systems engineering services to customers ranging from federal and state governments, homeland security, defense, health, and commercial sectors. It is also involved in simulation and training with worldwide professionals accounting to approximately 17,000. A trusted name with over 50 years as a pioneer in systems integrator, this company manages large-scale and often mission-critical IT operations and enterprise solutions. The advent of information technology (IT) has resulted in changes in the U.S. military warfare and tactics thereby leading to a transformation in General Dynamics. General Dynamics Information Systems and Technology business segment has four business units and General Dynamics Information Technology is one of them. Ea rlier General Dynamics was known as provider of tanks, submarines and ships to the Department of Defense. Today General Dynamics leads the market in providing the United States government and its allies with technologies. It also is the market leader in mission-critical information systems. General Dynamics’ largest and fastest growing segment is its Information Systems & Technology group. Worldwide it boasts of employee strength of 91,700 approximately while the headquarters of GDIT is in Fairfax, Virginia. General Dynamics is the market leader in the following: †¢information systems and technologies †¢shipbuilding and marine systems †¢armaments and munitions †¢land and expeditionary combat systems †¢Business aviation. ... It also is the market leader in mission-critical information systems. General Dynamics’ largest and fastest growing segment is its Information Systems & Technology group. Worldwide it boasts of employee strength of 91,700 approximately while the headquarters of GDIT is in Fairfax, Virginia. General Dynamics is the market leader in the following: information systems and technologies shipbuilding and marine systems armaments and munitions land and expeditionary combat systems Business aviation (General Dynamics Information Technology, 2011). John Philip Holland started the parent company of Holland Torpedo Boat Company (parent company of General Dynamics) which was responsible for developing the first submarines of US navy. The company after the acquisition of Canadair in 1946 and its subsequent expansion in aircraft production was then renamed to General Dynamics on 24 April 1952. The U.S. defense conglomerate is the world’s fifth largest defense contractor today. Althou gh the company has now diversified and caters to a much wider variety of commercial businesses, from healthcare to mobile service networks, the company still remains principally a defense contractor, providing services and products to Army, State and Federal Governments. Modern and Post-Modern Theories One major difference between the two theories is their dates of inspiration-Modern 1960-1970 and Post-Modern 1990s (Hatch & Cunliffe, 2006, pg. 6). The modernist feel that you must commit to limitations based on knowledge of our five senses (Hatch &Cunliffe, 2006, pg. 15). It is all in what a modernist call their reality based on the data form their five senses. According to Hatch &Cunliffe (2006) the post-modernist perspective commits to uncovering and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Government Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Government Regulations - Essay Example Pharmaceutical counterfeiting is an age-old problem. Counterfeit drugs are readily and cheaply available in need. Patients can't differentiate in between the fake and real drugs and fall easy prey to the counterfeiting. Counterfeit drugs pose health problems to public. It is necessary to prevent these fake drugs to enter the drug supply chain to become legitimate. The legitimacy has to be broken by attacking the chain and identifying the culprits. Through strict regulations, a relatively comprehensive system of laws, and enforcement by Federal and state authorities has kept drug counterfeiting rare in United States. Recently it is gradually raising its head again. Most of the countries worldwide could not fight the menace effectively.. This has put the genuine drug companies, wholesalers and retailers into big loss. Many that are involved in shady deals have to face legal actions and punishments. It is through accepting the problem, going into the depth and abiding by the government regulations firms in drug dealing and manufacturing could take strategic decisions to get rid of the problems. Strategic decisions by pharmaceutical companies in cooperation with FDA have been taken in USA to develop comprehensive framework for pharmaceutical supply chain to secure against threat of counterfeiting in drugs. Multinational pharmaceutical companies are developing inter-firm cooperation with supply chain and partnering with government and health advocates to work on the new methods to fight the problems. Track and trace method with the help of new technology of Radio frequency Identification (RFID) has been adopted to foil counterfeiting in drugs. The RFID would enable to tag all products by manufacturers, wholesales, and retailers which can't be altered easily and be verified when required with authentication It will make copying of medicines either very difficult or very costly to deter counterfeiting. Many other authentication technologies such as holograms,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Contemporary media practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Contemporary media practices - Essay Example Inclusion in immersion indicates the way physical reality is shut out while its extensive characteristics indicate the various sensory modalities accommodated (Slater & Wilbur, 1997; Tavinor 2009, p.184). Immersion is regarded as a great experience in gaming and is considered in games, designers and researchers of games as an essential experience in interaction. The theory of immersion is perceived in many aspects but is generally employed in software when referring to the virtual reality of and games. Within the gaming context, immersion is considered to be essential because review on games indicate immersion is related to the reality of the game world or even the atmospheric sounds. Immersion is considered to have depth because the experience of immersion is essential in enjoying a game and is sustained or even destroyed by the characteristics of the game (Brown & Cairns, n.d). However, focusing on specific cases necessitates a thorough discussion with regard to the notion of immer sion that includes a player’s complete and total psychological identification with a character, immersion into the situation or story, a trance state, sharing of emotional bond with a character or even having similar reactions to events of play (Torner & White 2012, p.75). The different perceptions of meaning of immersion have generated conceptual confusion such that even observer promote simply abandoning it since what it obscures in more compared to what it reveals. Moreover, adoption of unexamined commonplace knowledge regarding the relationship between reality and game experience has been considered â€Å"immersive fallacy†. This is a way of considering the history of technologies of communications that takes it as inexorably and ideally leading to more powerful systems of simulation. Immersion’s conceptual elusiveness can be attributed to the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Desiderius Erasmus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Desiderius Erasmus - Essay Example But â€Å"he showed discretion in his choice of tactics. If you wish to bring about peacefully true and lasting reforms, you do not, like the fanatics, indiscriminately attack not only the ideas you oppose but also the honesty, integrity, and sincerity of those who hold them. If you wish to convince a person he should change his ways, for instance, you do not hit him on the head with a bat.† (Thornton, 2005) Even though Erasmus’ reputation was somewhat diminished by his pragmatist attitudes his legacy is growing in retrospect. This is in large part due to the growing popularity and interpretive richness of some of his books. These famous books include Handbook of a Christian Knight, On Civility in Children, The Praise of Folly, Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style, On Free Will, Julius Exclusus, etc. As this partial list of his oeuvre illustrates, Erasmus was a true polymath. His body of work is informed but not limited by the spirit of Christianity. For instance, n owhere else is this best exemplified than in his Colloquies, which is full of â€Å"nonchalant erudition, eloquence and profundity. Almost nothing, from war and peace to alchemy and salt herring, falls outside his purview. It is a treasure house of theological wisdom dressed in the finest verbal ornament of the age.† (Bauman, 1999, p. 536) In this sense, he truly remains a luminous pioneer of Humanism. Although Erasmus was a contemporary of Martin Luther they disagreed on several critical issues. Despite the comprehensive and persuasive arguments that Luther presented in his Ninety-Nine Thesis, Erasmus was not easily willing to concede the moral failings of the then existing Roman Catholic order. Conservative in nature and skeptical of the emotional appeal of radical revolution, Erasmus was to remain indifferent to Lutheranism and the Protestant Reformation that was beginning to spread across Europe. Instead Erasmus preferred slow and gradual reform in the Church without dism antling its power structure. To Erasmus, religion meant â€Å"purity and justice and mercy, with the keeping of moral commandments, and to him these Graces were not the privilege of any particular creed.† (Thornton, 2005) In hindsight, some of his apprehensions about the Protestant Reformation were proved correct when several European societies fell into disorder. Some of the most glaring collapses of social cohesion was the German Peasants’ War and the Anabaptist disturbances. Soon what began as rebellions within the Church would snowball into a class conflict. Desiderius Erasmus created controversy through his refusal to discard certain primitive Christian doctrines. The idea of ‘free will’ is one which he held on to even as his contemporaries both within and without the faith was moving toward accepting the doctrine of ‘predestination’. Although the Catholic Church itself had at times viewed Erasmus with suspicion and blamed him for the gro wth of Protestant faction, he was at heart and deed a man of religious toleration. (Olin, 1979) This is best exemplified in his work De Libero Arbitrio. Though meant to be a polemic to Martin Luther’s dominant views the tone and temperament of his arguments and language were admirable. It illustrated Erasmus’s belief that even disputes of faith should be conducted in an orderly, respectful and courtly manner. Erasmus declared that "courtesy

Monday, July 22, 2019

Strong and stubborn Maggie Essay Example for Free

Strong and stubborn Maggie Essay After Hobson enters the house Maggie commands him not to be late for dinner. Hobson doesnt like Maggie trying to order him about because she is female, but Maggie doesnt back down. Maggie and Hobson have a battle for dominance because neither one will take orders from the other this shows how strong and stubborn Maggie and her father can be, they have a very similar character but Hobson is sometimes a bit of a snob unlike Maggie. Later on Maggie asks here father how much a week does he give her. Her father answers, Thats neither here nor there. This means it doesnt really matter you still get money, but really they get very little except when they get new cloths every year which Hobson pays ten pounds for each of them which is a lot of money, food and a shelter over their head. Maggie took control of this situation making sure her father would think that he doesnt give them any money which is very wise but also very cunning. Later on in the passage Hobson decides to try and find a wife for Alice and Vicky, but completely excludes Maggie. Even though Maggie is very strong willed and minded this is still very hurtful because she is getting excluded by her own father, this shows how horrible Hobson can be. Even though Maggie is assertive and asks were she comes into this. Hobson is astonished by this and laughs at her, thinking Maggie will never get married. Hobson tells Maggie the brutal truth saying she is a proper old maid, this is saying she is too old to marry. After Mrs. Hepworth enters the shop, she asks who made these boots. Hobson is made a fool when he cant give Mrs. Hepworth a direct answer, but Maggie gives her a direct answer as recognised by Mrs. Hepworth. This shows how Maggie works in logic Mr. Hobson doesnt want to say who because he is proud of how he makes the boots on the premises buy he doesnt make them. Maggie realises how much of a Treasure Willie is, this is the turning point of the play were Maggie thinks of her plan to make a business and move away from her father. Hobson said that Maggie is useful to part with, he recognises her qualities as a business woman but he doesnt treat her with that respect. This shows Maggie is very useful if Hobson can say this because his is a greedy man only looking to make as much money as possible. Maggie tells Willie, Youre a natural born Genius at making boots. Maggie is telling him about how talented he is which shows her nice side but in the same sentence she said Youre a natural fool at all else. Maggie can be nice to him and insult him with no thinking, she doesnt even notice that she insulted him. This may be because she speaks her mind and she just thought it was true. Willies life is ruled by fear because he wont move to a better shoe shop because he fears the fine places, Maggie wants to help him to give him the confidence to be able to go into a better shop, and she is the liberator that wants to help all including her. Willie tells Maggie that she is a wonder in the shop, this may be because Maggie complimented him earlier or he was telling the truth and thinking on the same wavelength as Maggie for a second. As Willie dives to the trap Maggie stops him, this could be symbolic that Maggie is getting him out of Hobsons trap but he is now trapped with Maggie, this is worse because Maggie is a lot cleverer than Hobson and also a lot more demanding. Maggie steps out of the stereotype of women when she asks Willie to marry her. This shows how Maggie is a woman out of her time she is too demanding and cant wait until someone else does it so she has to do it, this shows she is very brave and can do things without thinking of the consequences. Maggie knows this is her last chance to get out because life is so scarce she needs this chance. Willie is worried about what Hobson will say, he is too frightened to hurt someone. This also shows how again he is living in fear, Maggie has brought back the fear because she has put him in an strange situation. Maggie tells him When I make arrangements, my lad, theyre not made for upsetting. This is telling him I wont take no for an answer you are marrying me I have made plans for the future with you and I am going to make them true whatever the cost. This shows hoe determined Maggie can be and also how vicious she can be because she if forcing him to harry her even though he is very reluctant about marrying someone. Later when Ada is mentioned Maggie calls her the sandy haired girl, this could be because sand is easy to find saying she is one of thousands not an individual like Maggie, but straight away Willie said Golden haired is Ada. Gold is a lot less common than sand which makes her to look like an individual and not someone who follows everyone elses tastes. These two comparisons show how they both see this woman Willie sees her in the eyes of a lover but Maggie sees her in the eyes of someone who is maybe jealous at his moment. Maggie later says Ive seen her and I know the breed. The one word that stands out in the sentence is breed, Maggie is comparing Ada to an animal which has with no feelings, this is very cruel and aggressive, this is Maggies aggressive side which is very really seen in the play but when it is seen it is not meant to be liked. Maggie said to Willie its a desperate woman thatll look for protection to the likes of you. This is insulting both Ada and Willie which Maggie found quite easy to do. Maggie is being very cruel to Ada which many people who are watching the play with think is wrong thinking Maggie is a bully like her father. The sympathy for Maggie is shifted to Ada because of Maggie abusive attitude towards her, Maggie doesnt even treat her like a normal human being. Maggie later says shes born to meekness. This is continuing to be abusive to Ada maybe trying to have an argument with her, but Maggie knows that she will walk all over her. Maggie tells Willie that he will be an eighteen shilling bookmaker for the rest of his life, this is to tell him if you marry Ada you will be poor forever but if you marry me I will be able to help you. This is very cunning of Maggie knowing that Willie wants to make the most in his life and he knows he will be stuck in Hobsons for the rest of his life without Maggie, on a wage so low he cant afford the things that he makes. Maggie also tells Willie Youll be a slave, and a contented slave. This is telling him youll be stuck her forever owned by Hobson and if you try to escape youll have to come back just to earn money, you are trapped here without my help. This is showing Maggie hurting someone to help someone and herself which is how her. The play is showing how she is a liberator breaking the chains off Willie and setting him free in the world with her. Maggie said Ive got my work cut out. This shows how she isnt giving up saying I will convince you sooner or later which shows her character as being very strong willed and what she said goes without a question. When Willie wants to be left alone Maggie said So does the fly when the spider catches him. This could be interpreted as Maggie catching him so he is not a free man Maggie has just took him in as a trap like Hobson had him, Maggie may do it with a lot more lenience but still not enough for him to be a freed man. Maggie also says You are my man. This is indicating that she owns him like a slave which is just what her father done but in a worse way, it could be very demining as well because Willie could think that he isnt worth anything being tossed about from Hobson to Maggie like an item of trade. When Maggie tells Willie to hold your hush. This is telling him to shut up using an imperative, many men those days would not allow women to command them to shut up but because Willie is feeble he has no choice so he just goes on with it.

The Importance of Reading Books Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Reading Books Essay The joy of reading books cant be described in words. Its something that you can understand only by actual experience. There is much more to life than your work and spending time aimlessly with latest technology products. Reading books gives you that much needed break from the chaos in your life. It instills peace inside you, makes you relaxed and also exercises your brain in the process. When you read a book, it feels great to put yourself into a different world that the writer has created for you. Ask any avid reader about this and they too will agree that reading a book is same like watching a movie. When you spend hours and hours reading a book, creating a world with different characters in your mind, your imagination powers are sure to get a boost. Depending upon what you read, you will come out with the same experience as when you watch some really good movie. I have been a voracious reader ever since i learned how to read. Thats why i never get bored even being alone for a long time. I have found that reading books is the best medicine to kill boredom. What starts with reading story books, when you are a kid, turns into reading books for improving yourself as you grow older. From story books - technical management books - self improvement - spirituality and beyond, the journey is fantastic and you learn something with each passing day. You understand your thoughts and emotions more clearly. It makes you realize who you really are and makes your life more meaningful.Reading books will make you a better thinker and a better man. Thanks to technology you can easily find good articles to read on the internet. A great article can inspire and motivate you as much as a great book. Its not how much you read, but what you read which is more important. The only reason i recommend reading books over short articles is because when you spend hours with a thought or an idea then its more likely to stay with you for long time rather than when you spend just few minutes tinkering with it. Its easy to read a quote or an article for few minutes than discard it and continue with what you were doing. But when you invest your time in reading a good book, you end up spending at least a few hours reflecting on its contents as you read. Thus, its likely to stay with you for a longer time and have some positive influence on you. A good reader also varies his reading pace based on the content he is reading and what he wants to get from it. The purpose of reading news articles is different from reading stories, which is different from reading important documents. Over a period of time, you will understand how to vary your reading pace and comprehension based on what you read and what you want from it. Also, just reading good books is not enough. The way you read it is more important. When you come across a new idea or a different opinion, think upon it deeply. Dont accept it or reject it blindly. Try to reason with it and understand the writers point of view. Reflect upon the thoughts that come to your mind whenever you read a great book. You will know whether a book is great or not based on the thoughts it awakens inside you. As you continue this habit of reading and reflecting on what you read, you will start forming your own thoughts and values. It will challenge your mind and the thoughts, customs and traditions that you have grown up with. However, there is one thing which you should always remember when you make this a daily habit, as you are investing a part of your life doing it. Too much reading, without any thinking and action isnt of much use. When you know you are ready to do something its time to move to the next step. Act upon what you think is right and what you have decided to do. Its easy to get so much involved in the reading process, that you forget that the main purpose of reading is to make you a better person which can only happen when you act upon it. Just finishing one book after another without any real action from your side wont help you. What kind of person you want to be and what you would ultimately become depend greatly upon the type of content that you read and how much you act upon them. Reading articles that promote negativity, hatred and give wrong information is dangerous. Its better to not read anything at all than read such articles. Whether you read on some electronic device or prefer reading an actual book. Thats your personal choice. Personally, i prefer to read actual books whenever possible. I find that even after hours of reading my eyes feel fresh and full of energy. Thats something i dont find when i read too much on my computer. Before ending this article, i would like to summarize few important points and also suggest some Dos and Donts of reading: * Always read your content from a safe distance. Neither too close to your eyes neither too far away from your eyes. * Always prefer quality over quantity. Better to read one great book than hundred mediocre ones. * Understand properly what you have read and reflect upon it. * Dont accept anything blindly that you read but think for yourself and try to understand the reason behind whats been written. * Bookmark interesting pages for future reference. You never know when you will need them. * Sometimes it takes more than one reading to fully grasp some thing. Dont be disappointed if you dont understand a book in one reading. Maybe when you come back to it the next time, you will get it. * Focus completely on what you are reading. Dont think about other stuff while reading. * If possible, create a favorite spot in your house for reading books. You will feel more relaxed whenever you are there. * And above all, enjoy your reading experience. The habit of reading good content daily will act like an exercise for your mind and keep you mentally fit and flexible. If you have never given it a try then always remember that its never too late to start a good habit.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effect of Social Media on Relationship Satisfaction

Effect of Social Media on Relationship Satisfaction Implications of Social Media to Relationship Satisfaction and Conflict Resolution Skills Introduction Social media is a group of internet based applications which build on the technological and ideological foundations of Web 2.0. They allow exchange and creation of content generated by various users. Currently, the major sites that provide ample networking include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr. In addition to these, there exists multiple end-user new sites that support only two way participant interaction and communication. The most recent is WhatsApp. This allows for a more personalized interaction. Usage for social media is measured through frequency of logins, postage, updates and interactions. The traditional relationship model has been altered by the success of the new media forms which include social media websites and text messaging (Coyne et al., 2011). According to Coyne, social media affects the communication in a romantic relationship thus influencing satisfaction. It also identified that how family members and friends relate is also influenced. The article reviews the literature available in relation to how social media can either minimize or improve the satisfaction in a relationship. In addition, it realizes that through social media, other interpersonal skills may either be lost or developed. One of the key social interpersonal skill is conflict handling which relies heavily on communication. The article sheds focus on it as well. Discussion The younger generation and the modern culture has witnessed communication being turned into a social dialogue by social media. According to Qualman, (2009), social media is rated as the number use of the Internet which is an always growing percentage. The connectivity throughout the globe has thus been growing. Therefore there are people who meet through the internet. Dependency on social media has thus been growing. Looking at why so many individuals are growing the admiration for social media, the impact it has on users and society is critical. The literature reviewed seems to be focusing on how addiction to social media relate with interpersonal relationships. Social Media Use Uses and Gratifications Theory was used to study social media use (Sheldon, 2008). In this study, Sheldon aimed at discovering reasons as to why students had grown in addiction to Facebook use. Frequent checks on Facebook accounts had grown to be routine behaviour. The reasons for always being online were entertainment and diversion, to keep informed, good feelings, peer identity, sounds and sights, communication, coolness and career (Charney Greenberg, 2001). The above thus highlights why social media becomes a variable in the satisfaction of a relationship. Media and Relationships Both mobile and web-based technologies have presented newer forms of media which now allows the users to be more interactive considering the content. Such technologies have created an interactive platform in which communities and individuals share, modify and create user generated content (Kietzmenn et. al, 2011). User generated content has grown over the years to the present state in which the aspects now associated with social media are identity being the most important, presence, reputation, relationships, groups, conversations and sharing. One’s identity in the internet is revealed by the extent of disclosure (Kietzmenn et. al, 2011). Although technology can be critical in beginning relationships, it may be the key contributor in the ending of a relationship. According to Brown (2011), social media creates virtual and natural distance thus it allows for individuals to conduct unpleasant interpersonal skills. This demonstrates the negative effects of social media in a relationship. The presence of an individual is not key in a breakup process as social media could be employed as the mediator. In virtual communications, there are options for social network sites, e-mail, text messaging, cell phones, even webcams and blogs. Each of these mediums has a key role in the maintenance, initiation and relationship termination (Coyne et. al, 2011). Most couples turn to a given kind of communication and maintain certain media forms. Text messaging is a common form because it is accessible while other aspects such as Facebook demonstrate affection. Messaging is first thus an immediate way in which partners can demonstrate immediate affection. Ideally it is difficult to predict how social media will affect interpersonal relationships in future, however, researchers have focused to identify the effects that have been recorded so far. At this point, the researchers have shifted focus to cyber-optimists and cyber-pessimists. The latter is of the view that Internet has a negative effect on social life while cyber-optimists maintain the effect could be positive (Pollet et. al, 2011). The researchers identify some relationships are dependent on social media. Internet Dependency Looking at the average use in American homes of technology, Kelly (2011) believes that technological revolution time has been attained. People now access what they desire within the blink of an eye. Internet dependency is about how individuals have made internet to become a priority in most of their day to day activities. The growing nature of the media and the internet further elaborates the need on analysing relationship dependency. Interpersonal Relationship Satisfaction Interpersonal relationships’ interactions can be conducted nonverbally, verbally and currently, computer-mediated communication and social media allows for the interaction to be virtual. Usefulness of communication is determined by interpersonal relationship satisfaction. The content of the communication and future interactions are also key (Anderson Emmers-Sommer, 2006). According to many psychologists, satisfaction in a close relationship means that there is adequate communication in addition to comfort during the interaction at hand. Communication satisfaction results to closeness, immediacy with increased disclosure to the relational partner. Satisfaction in a given relationship refers to the notch to which an individual is not only satisfied but also content with her or his relationship. When the degree is high, the relationship may turn out to be lengthy and successful. Determinants of a relationship satisfaction include trust, intimacy, similarity, commitment, attribution confidence and communication satisfaction (Anderson Emmers-Sommer, 2006). The higher the rate of this predictors, the higher the satisfaction rates. Internet is easily and often accessed thus it has changed how we conduct our communication thereby influencing the present quality of romantic relationships. In a relationship, satisfaction sprouts from a positive level of contentment, needs, wants and expectations being met by a partner as well as having a mutually beneficial position in the relationship. Face-to-face interactions improve relationship satisfaction with nonverbal communication being a key area (Emmers-Sommer, 2004). According to Anderson Emmers-Sommer (2006), there is direct relationship between relationship satisfaction and partner communication. They added that face-to-face communication are key in the maintain ace of relationship satisfaction. Social Media and Relationship Satisfaction Individuals in online relationships do not have the ability to physically see each other. As a result therefore, there is great need that communication satisfaction is attained. The online platform is thus a base for which the relationship could grow, be maintained and satisfaction of each other. Communication lengths and terminology are existing examples of familiarity that exists between online interactions and face-to-face communication. In the current world, Twitter, Facebook and text messaging are part of the relationship life cycle in which many partnerships for men in the range of 18-24 spend a lot of time in social media. Implications of Social Media on Relationships Most of the young adults currently use social media multiple times a day for relationship purposes and communication. Social media is appealing in that it has content that is user-generated and dynamic as well. Social media accessibility gives user the authority to remain connected with people and they can thus contact each other frequently. Studies have found out that relationship satisfaction depends mainly on communication which could imply that the medium for communication does not necessarily matter. Individuals aged 18-24 are fond of both Facebook and Twitter. Understanding intentions and motivations in the mediums is one of the key factors that would advise on whether an individual has priority for relationships. The two provide critical information as well as communication and this becomes an integral psychological need for which people grow, survive and learn. The concern hereby should be how dependency on social media is influencing the modern medium for communication. Face -to-face communication has received neglect as individuals are adopting text messaging as the priority medium. It is a utilization of modern technology in the increase and improvement of communication for interpersonal relationships. Understanding such implications is essential for relationships improvement and social media communication. With more frequent use of social media in modern life, individuals can still find a way of maintaining an interpersonal relationship that is satisfying through these or other mediums. As a result therefore, communication in social media should improve quality relationship and not cause negative effects. Social Networking and Conflict Resolution The social media platform allows interaction for people who know each other as well as individuals who have absolutely no clue about each other. Most internet users have ended up co-constructing their own environment. In this environment, each participant has a social role to play. According to Greenfield and Yan (2006), any individual who might be affected by the social media environment especially for being a participant creates a new environment and they thus have a dual core in controlling technological side-effects thus large scale implications. Communication has an integral role to play in personal relationships. In essence, relationships can be assessed by communication skills. Therefore, communication impairment hinders successful relational development especially for the young adults. There are impacts on various sets of life areas such as socialization, employment, school performance and family relationships. In addition, the mere fact that the young adults may fail to resolve conflicts may end up jeopardizing safety which could then result to chronic acts of violence that include fighting, verbal threats, pushing, punching and grabbing (Woody, 2001). The development of interpersonal skill in handling conflicts may be impacted by the excessive use of modern technology. Conflict Resolution and Communication Skills The most important use of the Internet for adolescents is communication (Greenfield Yan, 2006). Responses to hypothetical conflict situations in the social media industry is similar to the responses in real life. The decline observed in the face-to-face interaction would imply that there is decreased potential in handling of real-life conflicts. To support thus, Mishna (2009) found that in his research, adolescents recorded high cases of conflicts with parents in addition to communication levels that were still low with their parents. In addition, the research indicated that the adolescents who frequently used online communication and were in significant trouble or were frightened failed to reach out and have face-to-face communication with their parents. At this point, it is key to note that such adolescents miss out on a psychological development in which they should receive education on handling conflicts from parents. For social media, just like face to face communication, a rel ationship may turn to be volatile and unpredictable. In adopting the social exchange theory, psychologists indicate that the principle of maximizing benefits while minimizing costs is prominent in social behaviour. This is applicable in conflict resolution. One must give to receive. For maximum satisfaction, the degree of expected rewards has to be greater than the degree of expected costs expended during interaction. For the social exchange theory, Ripa and Carrasco (2007) maintain that the six major rewards are both intangible and tangible. They include information, services, goods, status, money and love. The social exchange theory is influenced by the role of psychological, social, political, economic and historical factors. Technologically therefore, exchanges between individuals should capture a mutual cost-benefit structure (Drussell, 2012). The energy and time that one spends in texting, comments’ posting and Facebook updates directly perceives rewards of responses and likes. The sense of power can be endured in social media especially with high number of followers, friends, likes, comments and shares. While that may exist, the opposite may occur for which an individual has minimal of the above. It would thus mean that fear and rejection grows in them. In addition, the objects relations theory is applicable for this scenario. Psychologists differentiate this theory from the rest on the basis that it pays attention on how needs are not met or are met in a relationship. This contrasts the idea of impulses and drives. In this theory, external needs should be met by other people. The external needs are inclusive of being valued and viewed as individual by others, being accepted for both negative and positive qualities and being given protection, love and care (Ripa Carrasco, 2007). Internet-based communication and texting facilitate a relationship world that is virtual. It allows users to internalize other people’s mental representations. With the abs ence of face-to-face communication, the participants rely on constructions to incorporate meaning and imagination to such relationships. As a result therefore, users’ internal worlds may be vastly different from the facts that they present in the social networking environment. The conflict resolution process is complicated and communication as the reality facts may be hidden in the interactions. According to Drussell, (2012), texting and Facebook have failed at improving the ability in resolving conflicts. In the study, it was identified that despite the fact there were many individuals who adopted social media and used it frequently, in most cases they did not turn to it when solving conflicts. The study deduced the fact that most young adults deemed it wise to solve conflicts on a face-to-face communication. However, there were concerns in which case social media users did not personally know each other and had a considerable distance between them. For such cases, when conflict arose, it was probably never revisited. Such a relationship would be difficult to mend through social media and a large population would prefer to abandon it entirely. Conclusion The basis for conflict resolution and relationship satisfaction lies on communication. Social networking seems to facilitate communication at various levels. Social network users vary along continuum which is inclusive of negative, neutral and positive attitudes. Regardless of the attitude, the literature review indicates that communications may be misinterpreted during these kinds of communication. That is one of the weakness that social networking has in comparison to face-to-face communication. The communication aspect that is strengthened by social media makes friendship even stronger. The major worry for many individuals is that social media and networking seems to be causing a deterioration of persons’ ability to talk with each other. The face-to-face talk is the one suffering in the face of prominent social media dependency. Social media can be a source of conflict in the relationships, the best approach in handling such a conflict should be face-to-face communication a nd interaction. Going by the literature reviewed, social media users do not feel unsatisfied in interpersonal relationships that they engage in. The observation is that, social media improves satisfaction in a relationship as it brings about the issue of frequent interactions. Long distance relationships benefit from this interaction though further psychological based research should be done in relation to it. Technology will keep on evolving for which case social media prominence will still persist. Further research on the impacts of social media prominence is essential to understand how society will be impacted. References Anderson, T., Emmers-Sommer, T. (2006). Predictors of relationship satisfaction in online romantic relationships. Communication Studies, 57(2), 153-172. doi:10.1080/10510970600666834 Brown, A. (2011). Relationships, community, and identity in the new virtual society. Futurist, 45(2), 29-34. Charney, T., Greenberg, B. (2001). Uses and gratifications of the Internet. In C. Lin D. Atkin (Eds.), Communication, technology and society: New media adoption and uses and gratifications (pp. 383-406). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton. Coyne, S., Stockdale, L., Busby, D., Iverson, B., Grant, D. (2011). I luv u :)!: A descriptive study of the media use of individuals in romantic relationships. Family Relations, 60(2), 150-162. Drussell, J. (2012). Social Networking and Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills among College Freshmen. Master of Social Work Clinical Research Papers. Paper 21. Emmers-Sommer, T. M. (2004). The effects of communication quality and quantity indicators on intimacy and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 24, 399-411. Greenfiled, P. Yan, Z. (2006). Children, adolescents, and the internet: A new field of inquiry in developmental psychology. Developmental Psychology, 42 (3). 391-394. Kelly, K. (2011). Understanding technological evolution and diversity. Futurist, 45(2), 44-48. Kietzmann, J. H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I. P., Silvestre, B. S. (2011). Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Business Horizons, 54(SPECIAL ISSUE: SOCIAL MEDIA), 241-251. Mishna, F., McLuckie, A., Saint, M. (2009). Real-world dangers in an online reality: A qualitative study examining online relationships and cyber abuse. Social Work Research, 33 (2). 107-118. Pollet, T. V., Roberts, S. B., Dunbar, R. M. (2011). Use of social network sites and instant messaging does not lead to increased offline social network size, or to emotionally closer relationships with offline network members. Cyberpsychology, Behavior Social Networking, 14(4), 253-258. Qualman, E. (2009, August 11). Statistics show social media is bigger than you think. Retrieved from Sheldon, P. (2008). Student favorite: Facebook and motives for its use. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 23(2), 39-53.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

An Introduction to the CYC Knowledge Base Essay -- CYC Project Technol

An Introduction to the CYC Knowledge Base I. Abstract This paper is intended to be an introductory tutorial on the Very Large Knowledge Base (VLKB) called CYC. Described herein is the reasoning for the origination of the CYC project, the intended usefulness of the project (application areas), how CYC is being constructed, and a brief introduction to the supporting tools that have been developed to interact with the CYC knowledge base. II. Introduction Many Knowledge Bases (KB) have been developed to help people solve problems in very specific applications. These are relatively simple to build since the knowledge required by the specific system needs to be only those facts required to solve the problem in that particular application. An example of this type of KB would be one that contains only the information needed to diagnose particular fungal and bacterial infections. The KB would need to know about the different attributes of the microscopic organisms and their affects on the host but would not need to know that the grass is green or that the earth revolves around the sun. The CYC common sense Knowledge Base takes the opposite approach. CYC is being created to hold information that most people would consider to be common sense knowledge. The idea is to create a KB that would supply the basic knowledge needed to be applicable to many different applications. By building a KB with this general knowledge, it is hoped that the KB will be able to learn (create new inferences) by itself and be able to tell when it does not have enough information in a particular domain to resolve a problem. The CYC project was started by Doug Lenat at MCC (Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, now Cycorp, Inc.) in Aust... ...nology", Cycorp, Inc, Ginsberg, Matthew L., Essentials of Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993. ISBN 1-55860-221-6 Lenat, D.B., Guha, R.V., "Ideas for Applying CYC", Cycorp, Inc, Mayfield, James; Finin, Tim; Narayanaswamy, Rajkumar; Shah, Chetan; MacCartney, William; Goolsbey, Keith, "The Cycic Friends Network: getting Cyc agents to reason together", University Of Maryland - Baltimore County, Pratt, Vaughan, "CYC Report", Stanford University, April 16, 1994, Rajkumar & Shah, "A Study to assess the usefulness of CYC in a mediated architecture", University Of Maryland - Baltimore County, CYC KQML Project,

Friday, July 19, 2019

Context in Mother Courage and her Children by Brecht Essay -- Second W

Context in Mother Courage and her Children by Brecht There are many different contexts to the play and they are all influenced by social, cultural and historical implications. The context of the play itself and how it was written and performed for the first time and now were all influenced by events that occurred in Brecht’s life. The play itself discusses the thirty year war but is a clear reflection of the Second World War. Brecht believed that the war only took place for the economic benefit of the government and decided to portray this within his work. Marxism was the influence that gave Brecht hope that there was good within humans although some needed re-awakening. Therefore his objective was to make people aware of this and he did this through a process of alienation. The play Mother Courage and her Children was Brecht putting his ideas into practice as the whole play involves alienation and concentration on the political message being portrayed. Brecht’s work was banned from Germany and some of his performances were even disrupted by police and due to the portrayal of the war through his work his plays were socially unacceptable. Due to this social implication the context of Brecht’s play itself conveyed the true nature of the war to its extremes and this decision is clearly apparent in Mother Courage and her Children. The Chaplin was observed as the ironic hypocrite whom represented religion but was too scared to stand up for what he believe...

Witchcraft, Murder and Ghosts in Macbeth Essay examples -- Macbeth ess

Witchcraft, Murder and Ghosts in Macbeth       A notable point within Shakespeare’s play Macbeth is the use of the three witches in the opening scene.   The number of witches for a contemporary audience can go unnoticed.   However in the time that Shakespeare the symbolic meaning of the number three was important, as it symbolized unluckiness and when remembering the fear of the unnatural and being unlucky (epitomized by such historical events as the rage of witch trials within Britain).   This is not the only symbolism within the play, the use of the disparity between light and dark is an important concept.   We can perhaps see the parallel between the horror movies of today, and the images of witchcraft, murder and ghosts of the past.    Firstly in the initial scene of Act IV there are a number of references to the number three.    First Witch: "Thrice the brinded cat hath mew.d" (1) Second Witch: "Thrice and once the hedge-pig whin'd" (2) First Witch: "Days and nights hast thirty-one" (7) First Witch: "Pour in sow's blood, that hath eaten Her nine farrow;" (65)    All of these examples refer to the number three, or the denominator of nice.   The final example of the number three used is within the fourth act with Macbeth... ... of Shakespeare enjoy an aura of immortality because we see in Shakespeare the mirror of the human condition with which we may all identify and gain a sense that in some strange way his plays are a reflection of our souls.       Bibliography The Tragedy of Macbeth New Haven: Yale University Press Revised 1994 Shakespeare's Macbeth Total Study Edition Coles Editorial Board 1990 Holinshed R. Historie of Scotland (2nd Ed. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland 1587) "Historie of Scotland" Paul. Henry N. The Royal Play of Macbeth 1950 pp. 213-17 Bradley A. C. Shakespearean Tragedy 1912 pp. 468-9   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Award in Education & Training Essay

Assignment No1: Explain how you would go about the task of promoting inclusion, equality and diversity faced by a new group of learners enrolled for the first class of your specialist subject, as well as summarising ways to establish ground rules with them. Firstly we need to understand the difference between equality & diversity which is well covered by Gravells reference: Equality refers to the learners’ rights to attend and participate regardless of their differences, while diversity refers to valuing the learners’ differences (Gravells, 2008). Learners not only come from different cultures and backgrounds but they also differ in their abilities, needs, and the way they learn. Their differences must be recognised and considered by teachers who should treat them fairly and value each individual regardless of any differences. This way, learners will feel welcomed and included into the learning environment, engaged, empowered and supported by teachers (Gravells, 2008). Both equality and diversity can raise issues concerning learners’ gender, race, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, intellectual, linguistic or other characteristics. Despite differences, learners must have equal access to learning without any discrimination, prejudice or other barrier. It is the teacher’s responsibility to eliminate or reduce any learning barriers by recognising and providing full access and support to learners with a disability or individual need (Miller and Sammons, 1999), for example, by providing large print, on tape or using symbols and ensuring appropriate class layout. In my current role as an ESOL tutor I am involved in teaching English to a class of Nepalese immigrants which have a wide range of abilities depending on how long they have been in the UK and the level of education they received in their homeland. There are also some cultural age / gender issues that mainly affects the senior members of the community as the men & women need to be taught in separate groups / classes, although this does not affect the younger Nepalese who accept a mixed teaching situation in our  schools as the norm. Another problem with the beginners / older generation is that a lot are widowed women and live together in 3’s & 4’s, they don’t understand or watch television / media and therefore don’t have access to additional learning in the home in such that there may be multi generations. Students from the multi generation household from grandparent / parents / grandchildren where Nepalese will be the first tongue but have a greater exposure to English via the younger generations being at work or school and more acceptance / use of media via internet / television via in house translation. With a new group of learners it is important to assess their abilities from a simple student form with name / address etc and then test their ability to write / speak / recite the alphabet. With this assessment we are able to separate the class into smaller ability groups and with the help of interpreters give additional support on a 1 to 1 or small group basis especially with some that may have had no formal education in Nepal and barely able to write their name in Nepalese and the ones that do we have to teach them to read / write from left to right to overcome their natural right to left learning. Here we encounter additional cultural issues with some of the students wanting to sit next to a friend / relative they come to class with and through the interpreter we have to explain that people of similar abilities will learn quicker together where as their friend or relative may be at a further stage in the learning process to them. The important aspect is their ability to help one another and they seem to team up with people of the same abilities very easily and you find them working well in their new groups very quickly. The main thing is that all that attend the sessions is that they are all included irrespective of ability into a safe, social & welcoming learning environment that they feel they can be a part of. Ground Rules With this ESOL learning group the ground rules are difficult to establish without extensive interpreter help, although they are an extremely compliant and polite race and rarely have any issues with behaviour although it can become boisterous at times. Noise levels can rise as we use an open hall and with up to 4 or 5 ability groups and multiple tutors it is necessary to sometimes quieten the hall and reset the teaching noise level. From a general point there essentially 3 ways to establish ground rules: Teacher imposed Learner Imposed Negotiated My preferred option would always to negotiate the ground rules with learners which would be done at the start of the course using an introduction from the teacher & learners or as an ice breaker activity where through discussion the learners set the rules. The benefit of this option is that they feel through suggestion, rejection, agreement they have made they rules, they own them, respect them, are responsible for upholding them individually and collectively and to a certain extant enforcing them. It could be beneficial to keep the agreed ground rules visible / displayed in the form of flip chart to reinforce behaviour expectation especially around any Health & safety aspects and a reminder of their ownership and responsibility. Some ground rules cannot be negotiated, a typical example would be around Health & Safety if part of the teaching involves an environment where protective clothing / equipment is required ie a laboratory where a lab coat & glasses are required or a workshop where safety footwear / glasses and hair protection are essential. In this instance if not negotiated through the group, then the teacher should suggest if there were to be† any rules around health & safety† in the lab / workshop and use the opportunity to define the required rules for the particular environment.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Abnormal Psychology Essay

perverted workforcetal science is a branch of psychological science that deals with psychopathology and ab regulation mien. vicarious conduct is disruptive in classes un sufficient to construe tempers and loud. aberrant Phycology is when soulfulnesss ideals ar cause them discomfort and they act on it. This testament indeed allow soul to be diagnosed work forcetally Ill. universal psychologySee much(prenominal) Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn essayNormal psychology is the analyze of the hu landly c at oncern federal agency and the prospect. It is classify in carriage that judges criteria argon chemical formula or ab usual. Normal psychology is a common submition to diagnose port by the aptitude to be Maladaptive. Two aspects establish this supple and common. Maladaptive to singles self is the inability to r individually oddments, and to adapt to the universal demands of life-time. Also there is Maladaptive to confede racy, the prophylactic in social habiting.(Spoor 1999) Being in either of these categories advantageously-nigh unity would be diagnosed kindly ill. Comparison of Normal and Ab dominion psychologyNormal psychological science and anomalous psychology crops together because they both argon decisions do that heap chose to react to. In a dominion setting roundone tummy be sitting and interlingual rendition a book hushedly. Then or so opposite psyche comes a pine and makes loud distracting noises that the somebody either chooses to adhere to or ignore. Ab formula psychology has worked unwrap more than occupations that were associated with normal psychology. Therapies and interventions ar advanced, complaintes and dis variediates ar common and frequent, and studies ar in depth. The root of normal psychology has attached itself to subnormal psychology. The study of how a soul olfactory modalitys, forecasts, interprets, and be owns is the root of both of thes e psychological paths and they be intertwined.Abnormal psychology quizJeffrey Dahmer was a sex offender and accomp all(prenominal)ing killer mainly in the midst of the middle-aged age 1978 and 1991. He is well feeln for his badly maverick behaviors. Among his surfaceward manners that be recognized as irregular be paraphilia- modifiedisedally necrophilism and informal sadism. Jeffrey Dahmers victims, whom were boys and men, played from rape, violence, winning apart and compensatetually their murders. Dahmers slow emanation of cleanups in brief turned into an hauntion, which would subsequently lower him in prison with a destine for fifteen life terms or a total of 957 age in prison.Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born to Joyce and Lionel Dahmer in Wisconsin, and eight courses later moved with his family to Ohio. In his junior years, surrounded by the ages of ten and fifteen, Jeffrey became more and more antisocial he was truely quiet and socially distant from his family members and had signs of anhedonia (loss of relate in hobbies and interactions with plenty). Discovered later, this behavior w strikeethorn prep ar been caused by peers at shallow systematically mocking Jeffrey with off him lay breakting up any defense for himself.See moreThe 3 Types of Satire searchHis fetishes and discoveries of unique hobbies began in a biology class in 9th grade where Jeffrey and his classmates dissected a fetal pig. At the end of the class, Jeffrey collected the the Great Compromiser of the pig and returned to the hall, deciding to retain its skeleton. Dahmers fascination with this initial incident began to arrive and carry over to other animals, much(prenominal) as dogs and cats. In an interview with exemplify off Phillips Dahmer says, There may earn been well-nigh violence involved, some underlying subconscious mind feelings of violenceI just it was a compulsion, it became a compulsion. As this continued passim his young y ears, Jeffrey Dahmer began to consume alcohol regularly. In the aforementioned(prenominal) interview he admits, I was drinking a lot during that term and just, I dont sack turn out, look for some elan to find some fulfillment, some pleasure and I acted on my fantasies and thats where ever soything went wrong. Soon, his alcoholism, too, got out of hand and he became an alcoholic charm still polish high workdays.Jeffrey Dahmer attempted to attend college at Ohio State University, entirely his lost of interest in attending classes combined with his heavier-than-air consumption of alcohol caused him to drop out later(prenominal) sole(prenominal) a reap of a semester. During this epoch, his p arnts, Joyce and Lionel got divorced. Jeffreys father made him join the Army after(prenominal) falling out of Ohio State, precisely after a couple years, his alcohol problem formerly over again caused him to be removed. subsequently universe fired from the Army, Dahmer de cided against facing his father so he decided to live in Miami, Florida where the major(ip)ity of his time was spent in a hospital.In 1981 Jeffrey Dahmer was first arrested for customary intoxication. In 1982, Jeffrey went back to Wisconsin to live with his grand suffer. modern nights, alcohol binges, and belligerent behavior characterized his time living there. His grand set about was tolerant of his gay behavior at first, which taked some(prenominal) strange incidences she had lay down a man uniform mannequin dressed up in Jeffreys closet, a . 357 Magnum under his bed, and she could take back numerous instances where awful smells would waft from the basement.Dahmer once call fored that the terrible smell was from a squirrel that he had caught, killed, and dissolved with chemicals. (Dahmers father was chemist, and this claim was made from Jeffery to his father it detectms as though Jeffery told his father so that he would be proud of him). Jeffrey was arrested again in 1982 and in 1986, both propagation for indecent exposure. The blurb offense that he was arrested for in 1986 was for masturbation in front of two recent phallics.It was still two years later that Jeffreys so-far-tolerant grandmother told him that he could non live with her anymore due to the many strange happenings. Jeffrey was arrested in the same year, 1988, for innerly fondling and medicate a untested teenage boy (age thirteen) for this, he was put on probation for five years and for one year he was assigned to a work release camp where he was registered as a sex offender from the incident with the thirteen year old boy.Due to good behavior and a built up trust with the authorities, Dahmer was pa functiond from his work release camp two months early. Jeffrey Dahmer began killing at age eighteen, which was during the summer of 1978. Since this was after his p arnts divorce, Dahmers mother no giganticer lived at the same house and his father was away for line of merchan dise duties. Jeffrey had brought a man over to the house offering to drink alcohol with him, and when the man tried to leave, Jeffrey beat him to death with a ten-pound weight to the head.Dahmer did non murder again until nine years later where he killed a man randomly after picking him up Dahmer said he could non recollect anything about this murder. afterwards the piece murder, Jeffrey Dahmers killings change magnituded dramatically adding two more to the same year (1989), five the following year (1990), and several(prenominal) after that. On July 22, 1991 Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested for the alleged 17 murders (which would later be reduced to 15). mental Functioning Jeffrey Dahmer is a unique benevolent universe who struggled with necrophilia, which is having sexual attraction to corpses. Upon arrest, officers institute many horrificd heads, dismembered body parts, an altar made of skeletons, and several corpses. This makes Dahmer agnisem like a collector in a way, not withstanding I cipher that his collections go beyond what people might realize a just a fetish. Often, those who ar diagnosed with necrophilia be capture in this was because they potently desire to invite full self- check up on of and control over someone without the somebody resisting or refraining from creation with them.I count this is a lot of what Jeffrey Dahmer dealt with in his life because he confesses it himself in his interview with treasure Phillips face, The only motive that there ever was- was to whole control a person, a person that I put in physically attractive and keep them with me as long as possible, nonetheless if that meant just keeping a part of them. A nonher campaign for necrophilia could be a persons desire for increased egoism being attracted to a corpse was the only way Jeffrey could suspend rejection.As we get by that Jeffrey was teased and picked on when he was unripe and during his teenage years, I theorize that his murders and necr ophilia are related to these rocky multiplication in his life. I think that once he established that he could sport control over his victims, he went on a power trip and began to obsess over the supremacy he matt-up when he was controlling someone. It is reported that during the times that Dahmer was picked on and mocked in schooldays, he never stood up for himself and never fought back.I think this led to an internalization of his feelings. He some likely built up some hostility to those people who tormented him and took value of him. Jeffrey Dahmer excessively began his attraction to males in his teenage years as he reports study to gay bars and bath clubs. The conclave of his withheld anger and aggression towards his tormentors and the frustration that came from being attracted to men could have very(prenominal) well led to his outward aggression and finally to his killing spree.When Jeffrey tittle-tattles about the things that he would do to victims, especially eviden t in his first crime, his pattern began to develop and it is in direct correlation to these things he would accentuate out out men (doing whatever it took to back down their attention), he would get them alone one way or a nonher (either by generate them to the house or drugging them), and after having sex with them or taking advantage of them in whatever way he engraft pleasurable he would kill them.While he found it effable to partake in sexual encounters epoch them men ere still alive, Jeffrey Dahmer found himself even more attracted to the corpses of those men and he found it fascinating to dismember them and keep just a part of them. I believe that this is where his necrophilia came from. In Jeffreys first murder we provide see the power struggle where he desire to have sex with the man who wanted to leave. Through his sexual desires, Dahmer channeled his anger that he was being rejected and he lashed out and beat the man to death in the head with a ten-pound dumbbel l.This ut near(prenominal) behavior is what leads me to believe that he showed signs of sadism. A sexual sadist finds pleasure in inflicting physical pain sensation on someone and watching him or her suffer. I as well smoke see that maybe Dahmer was frustrated with his sexual desires toward men and he felt his only way to stop this was to destroy the root of the problem unfortunately, Jeffrey saw the men he was attracted to as his problem and in his desire to disapprove his problem he began killing the men who made him feel this way.In some ways, I am also convince that Jeffrey Dahmer was competent and could take full state of the killings because of his strategic behavior. His victims and murders were not random. Dahmer was also able to recognize that he was not completely satisfied in his initial encounters with the male species and when those things were no longer enough for him, he started purchasing sleeping pills in launch to first drug his victims so that he could th en take advantage of them. If Jeffrey Dahmer was not sane and competent than this organized behavior would not be evident in his tendencies.In the interview with Stone Phillips, Dahmer says, After the second time, it seemed like the compulsion to do it was too strong and I didnt even try to stop it after that but earlier the second time, things had been structure up gradually expiration to bookstores, going to the bars- the gay bars, bath clubs when that wasnt enough, get sleeping pills using it on discordant guys in the bath clubs. It just escaladed late but surely and after the second time which was not planned, it was out of controlit felt like it was out of control.The way that he uses his words here implies that he does take responsibility and that he to the full knew what he was doing as he says, it was out of controlit felt like it was out of control, he recognizes that he had the ability to make a choice and he chose to sexually victimize the men he was attracted to a nd then kill them. I am convinced that all of the things mentioned above lend themselves to his unnatural functioning, but one thing that was not addressed was his parents role in all of this.Although they were divorced and move during a time in Jeffreys life where he was having difficulties in other areas, I do not think that this was an issue or trigger to any of his behaviors. In an interview Jeffrey actually defends his parents saying that it makes him mad when people accuse them of playing any role in his decisions because they were not even aware of the type of issues Jeffrey was relations with. From what Dahmer admits, we know that it was a gradual escalation of supreme feelings that led to his subnormal behaviors. On November 28, 1994 while in prison, Jeffrey was beaten by an gyp and died from head trauma.Abnormal Psychology actAs many know Psychology is the study of the human mind, consciousness, and behavior. Psychology is also an enormous palm of study and conta ins many sub components that pertain to more specific areas of the human psyche. One of these subdivisions is the study of Abnormal Psychology. Abnormal psychology focuses studies on an atypical region of any particular edict, as to find out why these abnormalities occur. These conditions can vary in how abnormal they are from barely broad to extremes that require special needs.Examples of these could be a mild fibre of depression (not as noticeable) to a severe case of Schizophrenia ( super noticeable). Various examples result be addressed and explained but first, in order to fully understand the do by of abnormal psychology one must(prenominal) know the difference between normal and abnormal. (Mcleod) As individuals one decides what one likes or dislikes, but not what normal society is to like or dislike. Defining what normal is can be harder than one may think.See more Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essayResearchers have worked for years to understanda bly define normal with no luck in getting a detailed definition to relate human behavior to. Normal psychology is define by the time, place, and people involved, thus making it difficult because culture changes with evolution and values. In order for one to define abnormal psychology, an individual must first define normal psychology. Understanding that normal psychology is outlining what are acceptable actions helps one understand abnormal psychology is dependent on the site for a definition.Abnormal psychology is surmount defined as a deflexion from what a group decides is acceptable or unacceptable. Psychologist use synonyms for abnormal, such as erratic or maladaptive, to define characteristic traits on a scale with normal in the middle and barriers on all(prenominal) spatial relation of normal to compensate for the recurring abnormal behavior, any behavior past those barriers is considered highly opposite of the norm and disused. There are few true experiments done on abnormal psychology because it is not good to manipulate an experiment to control authentic conditions.Determining if something or someone is presenting normal or abnormal behavior depends on the object or the person. There are a few mental unhealthinesss and illnesses that purify compare and contrast aspects of abnormal psychology to normal psychology a approximately common disorder is bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorder, many wonder about what this illness is. This disorder was once described as manic depressive disorder symptoms of this disorder include but are not peculiar(a) to periods of deep depression which may deputy with mania.Mania is described as a unique state of mind in which a person may feel invincible or that anything in the world is possible for them to accomplish (Abell & Ey, July). Individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder can go long periods of time without sleep or have the polar opposite and have extreme amounts of energy. There are approximately 1-2 % of adults in the world diagnosed with bipolar disorder while scientists do not yet know what causes the chemical changes in the in fall apartigence they do know that this disorder does have a genetic component.Some scientists believe that bipolar disorder is linked with network connectivity in the brain, it has been shown with neuroscience that neurocognitive abnormalities, particularly in executive function assigns which link to the frontal cortex. However studies have shown that there are no major losses of grey subject area in the cortex but there are several changes in the white matter (Ferrier, April). Another fairly common disorder amongst abnormal psychology is down syndrome. down syndrome is a genetic condition which causes delays in physical and intellectual development. It has been studied and found to occur once in all 691 births.A person who has Down syndrome has an particular chromosome so instead of having 46 they have 47 chromosomes. Down syndrome is usually discover at birth or very shortly after, it is a disorder that can also be detected by genetic testing while the claw is in utero. This disorder is confirmed by a chromosome study called a karyotype. A karyotype provides a visual study of the chromosomes sort out by their size, number and shape they are studied by examining blood and tissue paper cells. Scientists believe the cause of Down syndrome is that there is an error in the cell division this is called nondisjunction.Psychologists and scientists alike do not know why this occurs but it is known that this phenomenon occurs at conception and there is nothing the mother could have done during pregnancy to avoid such from happening (National Association for Down Syndrome, 2012). These two disorders are caused by actual chemical and genetic differences in the brain where as the next two examples are illnesses that are linked to more problematical differences that are much less noticeable at first glance. Schizophrenia is a me ntal illness that makes it hard to tell what is real and what is not.People with this illness study voices in their heads and often times think people are plotting to harm them in some way. For this reason, they will seem stir up or will tend to name themselves from society. About one percent of Americans suffer from this mental illness. People with this illness do not make sense when they talk and can sit for hours without moving. Familys that have loved ones with this illness are generally affected by this, because people with schizophrenic psychosis often times have obstacle maintaining a job and become very dependent on close relatives.Dyslexia is a schooling disability that happens when the brain does not process or recognize authoritative symbols. People that suffer from dyslexia have a brain that takes longer to make connections and does it in more steps. Often times people with dyslexia have trouble matching the garner with the sounds and combination the letters mak e. When these individuals struggle with this step, it makes the stay process of steps for the brain even more difficult. A majority of people with dyslexia are really intelligent and can often times retain a lot of information but reading poses a real challenge for them.Dyslexia is actually very common today but is still widely considered a mental illness because of the brains connectivity issues. These four examples show that abnormal psychology not only focuses the rare or uncommon disorders but includes even many of the vast common illnesses of today. separately of the disorders and illnesses listed have several approaches for healing and therapy, this is because of the different views and public opinion processes from each of the schools of thought check several alternatives. Each school of psychology has a different possibility of how the mind works and where mental disorders originate.Thusly, each school has its own way of addressing psychological problems. The approximate ly common schools of thought used in therapy are psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, cognitive, humanistic and biological (Mote, 2013). In psychodynamic theory, it is believed that mental disorders originate from tension between your conscious and unconscious(p) mind. This is usually caused by some kind of trauma, physical or emotional, from childhood. Psychoanalysis, a lengthy form of therapy that attempts to bring awareness to the unconscious elements of a persons mind, is the takered form of treatment in the psychodynamic school (Mote, 2013).Cognitive-behavioral theory focuses, on the persons life as it is now the current and conscious thought patterns and behaviors (Mote, 2013). Basically, this school of thought focuses on what we are going through now and how that is touch on our mental health rather than essay to find a reason from the past. Therapy from this school focuses on how to change behaviors and will usually give homework to do before the next session (Mote, 201 3). The theory rear end cognitive therapy is that problematic thinking patterns, called cognitive distortions, are the stimulus for psychological disorders (Mote, 2013).These are considered to be automatic thoughts rather than unconscious like in previous schools. Therapy in this school consists of identifying and altering the cognitive distortions in order to bring a response to the disorder (Mote, 2013). Humanistic therapy focuses on the individual and their defining qualities, what makes them special and unique. Therapists of this school try to make their clients aware of their emotions, values, and motivations to bring about change to their psyche (Mote, 2013). One of the around important parts of therapy in this school is the relationship between the therapist and their client.The goal is, establishing and maintaining a sense of acceptance and revere for the client (Mote, 2013), this is considered a hallmark of the school and is one of the most valuable techniques a therapi st can use. Biological theory believes that mental disorders are caused by the brains pathology, basically saying that the brain itself is flawed and causing the problems (Mote, 2013). The most common therapy for this is the use of medications, called pharmacotherapy only a physician can dictate these medications.Most of the medications focus on anxious transmitter points and work to either increase or decrease the amount of drill in these sites (Mote, 2013). Even though each school of psychology approaches mental disorders differently, each method of therapy is affective against psychological issues. all school may not be best for everyone though finding a therapy that works for the individuals needs is observe.In brave out abnormal psychology is yet a small branch of the vast direct that is psychology, yet still provides extremely important studies which help ociety define that what is normal. Abnormal Psychology will constantly be a changing field as is normal psycholog y it is defined by what society sees as abnormal and normal. A recent example of this could be homosexuality vs. drunk driving, the two as seen in societies eyes have switched from being accepted and unaccepted in the last 60 years. Whichever way society progresses will help better define what truly abnormal behavior is, and with the several schools of thought at its disposal hopefully society can continue helping those in need.Abnormal Psychology EssayThe authors of this study were Sarra Hayes, Colette Hirsche, and Andrew Mathews. It was published in the August 2008 issue of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. These researchers administered a questionnaire to streak the degree one worries to several students at staff at Kings College London in the United Kingdom. Among these participants, 32 people were selected for the study. This group was divided between those who worried often (high worriers) and those who rarely latticelike (low worriers). The groups were then given a main stay pressing assign in which they had to hit any key as soon as they memorized a beep.These participants were also asked to fill out a thought rating scale to find out what kinds of positive thoughts they were having during the task. Finally, the groups were also given a filler task to reduce any carryover effect a previous campaign of the key pressing task may have had. The researchers concluded that those who worried the most were more distracted from even the simplest task of hitting a random key when one hears a beep. Positive thoughts, however, did not seem to be as distracting. In the end, the researchers found that working memory is negatively affected by worrying.See moreSocial Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn EssayThis study struggled with a major weakness of an exceptionally small sample size, but it remains valuable because it surveyed a nonclinical sample. The participants stand for a sample of people who worried, but did not demonstrate levels of anxie ty that distressed their everyday functioning. While I do not believe any of the participants in this study were harmed or endangered, I would not have wanted to participate in this research. I do not enjoy tedious tasks and I am agile to identify the role of filler activities in a study.The key pressing task seems relatively boring and I prefer research that has a more direct and positive impact in the lives of others. Since I think that the findings do contribute to our savvy of how humans are able to equipoise worrying with their other cognitive tasks, I do see the value in this study. I would be interested to hear how the researchers might propose preventing worrying or helping those chronic worriers utilize their memories more effectively. Works Cited Hayes, Sarra, Hirsch, Colette, and Mathews, Andrew. Restriction of Working repositing Capacity During Worry. Journal of Abnormal Psychology August 2008 712-717.